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The logos incarnate is one nature with one will. pope Leo said that the divinity of Christ made the miracles, and the humanifty suffered the pain. not agree¡¡ one person, the Son, one nature, the logos incarnate, and one will…
I understand that in some doctrinal points one should listen to the catholic doctrine, by example: wich books are the canon of the bible?? in orthodox churches they did not set up the canon, so some authority is required.
Agreed, Filioque should not be in the Creed.
What I mean is that filioque is an addition of roman catholic, the same way Constantinople argued with the monarchy of the Father, that´s also an addition. Maybe they are right, still studing the subject
That´s why the Holy Ghost is sent by the Father, so He generates in us his Logos, but also the Logos prays to the Father from us with ineffable prayers, so the Spirit is going down-up.
About my thoughts of filioque; I accept for the love of unity, the nicene creed, but this is the theologumena we, westeners believe:
The Father engendrated the Logos, the mirror of His Glory; The Father loves the Son and gives Him everything, the So…