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  • Okay, just to add some more, from my perspective Let's say this person is of a different culture (and not just a non-Christian), and you think you really click and have a future? Well, for me the only way to see if we could have a future together w…
  • I'm going to say some things from the Christian religion I was brought up in and my fiances: I was going to Sunday school and we had a meet and greet with all the other students (at a Lutheran church) so when it got to me I didn't know what to say,…
  • Hhhhhhhh you serious!?!?!?!?! Lololololol XD thanks for saying this I'm going to be cracking up through the day now XD lol - give him to the church maybe he will feel better there. And good kitty, trying to stop someone from smoking :D Tabacco sh…
  • Jerty, Don't stay with that girl - she's telling you she is willing to cheat even if she is in a marriage and you are in a marriage!! Leave that girl and find someone more dedicated and mature!! You are confused because that doesn't suit what you wa…
  • Thank you both for your replies!! I haven't been on here long - university, work, going out etc. ... Forgot my password lol!! Anyway, I eventually did learn to stop worrying less. I'm not much of a person to pray, rather than, just as you said, hav…
  • I say the same as everyone else, Personally I think that it would be the wrong choice to leave the family that you have created under God to become a monk! You have made a family and a home, and would be leaving somebody who is of (now) the same fl…
  • Alrighty, thank you :) I'll have to go to those links when it's earlier in the day!! -- Vanessa
    in Hello :D Comment by Phanessa August 2012