hello serb
kako si? dobro i hope
thank u for posting these sites and yeah i am really interestet in the serbian church
plz if u can tell me somethin about it that would be really nice
god be with u
Find a priest that you can really open up to and talk to him honestly...
the problem is that hes gone....my problem is that my heart is not that open for anyone...i need time to find a foc who i can trust...i know u will say now u can trust every a…
do u think it is that easy to go to a FOC? I mean i dont even have one...i mean i had one but i chose the wrong one...it is a bishop...and i dont know he is like he just want to talk with those who are puting money in the church...it semmes like tha…
jesus said we should love our enemy....dont look into the present...look at the future, ur family and the eternal life....look...i had these problems 8 years long....i didnt do anything...and it was good so....i mean i have done a lot bad things...r…
ok....look my dear brother or sister....
a film will always stay a film and what somones says, writes or do is none of our business....
most of the litle kids in egyptian families are not allowed to go to a cinema....and the others, for examples tha…
ok....to the questiont which was mentioned....
a bishop said once to me....god had to be strong to the people in the old testament cause he wantet to make a strong population a strong and godfearing poulation where he can rise "his son" out of them.…
ok....so what anglian said let me say that nearly everything is a sin...let me say some examples:
driveing a car must be a sin -> it emmiting dangerous gases such as nitroso gases and fcc wich are bad for our health
working in an industrie ->…
as a child u do chilish things and u dont really know what u are doing and u are not fully responseable for that what u are doing...as a grown up beiing u know what u are doing and that what u are doing have consiquences....either good or bad....
What things should you NOT/NEVER do once u are married??!!!
to think it was a wrong disicion...LOL ;D
i was engaged and i got to much advises...so it failed... :'(
the only thing i can say is to follow ur heart and to listen to god and what he want…
cause the fathers said it would be better if a bishop is not married cause so he can concentrate on his schusrch and doesnt have the problems at home with wife and childrens....thats the main reason to keep it brief
I mean if we believed sin was inherited- Jesus would have sin because of His mother!
no he has not...cause the holy spirit came over her and "cleand " her....
so if the holy spirut didnt so he would have the sin of adam...
thank u very much...i have the bible in german with includes the whole translation from the greek and hebrew....i was just wondering why i couldn fid it in english...but now i have it ...thank u very much
the reason why the people in our church tatood the cross on there childrens is if a moslim one kiddnapped their daughters the will know where they are....another reason is that the ormer gouvernment said that every christian had to have a cross tato…
Anyway, he said that babys are sinless when in the mothers womb, therefore worthy of partaking of the holy mysteries. However, after the baby is born, he is spiritually dead because he is born into the sin of adam. However, once baptized, he is then…