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  • ;D that funny i wanted to know as well.. ;)
  • IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON& THE HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD AMEN. Dear Sisters and Brothers in CHRIST The DIVINE INCARNATION 3 : Joys of Christmas. Preparing for the New Year. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward me…
  • In the Name of the FATHER, SON& HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD AMEN Dear fathers, sisters and brothers in CHRIST The DIVINE INCARNATION 2 HE, Who is from the beginning of days, became a small child. HE, Who sits on the highest throne, is lying down in a ma…
  • How Can I Benefit from Confession? - Confess your sins and errors in detail. - be careful not to hide anything no matter how ugly or embarrassing it is. - not blame others or your circumstances and justify yourself of wrongdoing. - "Pour out your he…
  • first of all it doesn't have all the psalms for each prayer also it doesn't have the intro of each prayer such as " Our Father" - Thanksgiving - Psalm 50
  • any other reply :-\
  • For those of you who have read The Way of the Pilgrim, or are familiar with origins and practice of the the Jesus Prayer " "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me " , you know what an Orthodox Prayer Rope is. Each knot is tied with a prayer. Small pr…
  • Matthew Ch.3 V.2 "Repent , for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" what this verse mean?
  • on V.10 what the spiritual meaning behind it or what it means on V.15 it doesn't make sense to me, what it means
  • thanks for replying ;D
  • I looked very quick to that site but most of it it's not there and my agypia it's different words than what they are saying so that confuses me more
  • i just like to add something very quick the word in English which "till it's not that clear neither in Arabic which "hata" but in Greek meaning the word " till " means "even though" that will make the sentence sound much better i hope that help…
  • umm Calm down Christ_Lover My Advice to stand up and ask God to lead you to someone and ask the Holy Spirit to Guide you this the best advice to give you because he knows more you than us Mazza I agree with her because this little personal as s…
  • thanks that what i'm looking for but there is no big picture that i can see her clearly is there a book telling her every detail about her life i want to know more about her
  • other than this website i know on this website there is a section for it and it's very nice too is there any other website i can find more thanks
  • guys that not saint anastasya i'm looking for i think there is two st.anastasya the one of talking about she was not martyred she was a nun and later on in her life lived as a monk also her and her parents were christian already thanks guys anyway…
  • thanks for replying but what i mean only music no words in it
  • does anyone knows her story is there a big picture than this so i can see her clearly
  • check this website i hope you find what you want
  • it shows that and there is song or hymns in arabic and it start after that bishop youannas start and then it close by itself after that it doesn't continue playing i love tasbeha it's very nice video but i'm so sad that it doesn't play :'( :'( :…
  • it's start ok but then it's say loading and then it close by itself :'( and this section doesn't have downloading is any where i can get this i try to play it but it doesn't work :'(
  • In The NAME of FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD AMEN 26- The NAMES (TITLES) of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XXVI) "With my whole heart I have sought YOU; Oh, Let me not wander from YOUR Commandments.AMEN" "YOU, LORD are GOOD … and Abundant …
  • 25B-The NAMES of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Part XXV-B- Second Section -Continuation of part XXVA) "In WHOM we have redemption though HIS BLOOD, the Forgiveness of sins.AMEN"( Colossi,Col:1:14) "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of GOD Our…
  • 23-The NAMES of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XXIII) “Blessed the NAME of GOD forever and ever for WISDOM and MIGHT ARE HIS..AMEN”( Daniel,Dan:2:20) “And those who know YOUR NAME will put their trust in YOU…AMEN” “Give unto the LORD the GLORY due…
  • 22- The NAMES of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XXII)“My Brethren take the Prophets who spoke in the NAME of the LORD as an example of suffering and patience…AMEN” (Yacoub,Jas:5:10). Dear Sisters and Brothers in CHRIST 53) THE HOLY TRINITY: Tr…
    in DT in Comment by bentelkenesia June 2005
  • The NAMES (The TITLES) of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XXI) “ Most Assuredly I Say to you, he who hears My Word and Believe in HIM who sent ME has everlasting life…AMEN” (Youhanna,Jn:5: 24) “ Keep me O LORD from the hands of the wicked..AMEN” (…
    in DT in Comment by bentelkenesia June 2005
  • 20- The NAMES of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XX) "…for HIS NAME Has Become Well Known…AMEN" (Marcos,Mk:6:14) "Because they went forth for HIS NAME’S SAKE….AMEN" (3Youhanna,3Jn:1:7), " …and now O LORD…….YOUR NAME Is Glorified in that day…..AMEN…
    in DT in Comment by bentelkenesia May 2005
  • 19- The NAMES of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XX) "…for obedience to the Faith among all nations for HIS NAME…AMEN" (Romia,Ro:1:5). "In the NAME of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, when you are gathered together…AMEN" (1Coronthius,1Co:5:4) "And he spoke b…
    in DT in Comment by bentelkenesia May 2005
  • 18-The NAMES of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Cont-Part XVIII)- A Hint on Benefits of Vegetarian food. "For YOUR NAME"S Sake, O LORD, Pardon my iniquity for it is great" "Unite my heart to fear Your NAME...AMEN" "For YOU Have Magnified YOUR WORD above all…
    in DT in Comment by bentelkenesia May 2005
  • 17- In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One God Amen "…through HIS NAME, Who ever believes in HIM Will Receive Remission of sins…AMEN" ( Amaal,Ac:10:42-43)."because they went forth for HIS NAMES’S SAKE…AMEN"( 3Youhana,3Jn:1:7) "My bret…
    in DT in Comment by bentelkenesia May 2005