Feasts => Saints Feasts => General Glorification (Tamgeed of St.Mary)
Come all you nations, to see the archangel, proclaiming: Hail to you O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Come all you nations, to see the archangel, proclaiming: hail to you O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, the palace which is adorned, with the Word of the Father, hail to you O Mary, O you full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, the palace which is adorned, with the Word of the Father, hail to the bride, hail to the wise, the full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, you to whom the Holy Spirit came, and filled you with grace, O Mother of the Bridegroom, the God glorified you, the Word, took flesh and was born from you, for the heavenly.
Angels always give, honor unto you, in the human race, the joy, to all the people, the archangels, with the hosts of angels proclaim: rejoice O Mary, you are full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, hail to the holy Virgin, hail to the mother of our Savior, rejoice O Mary, O you who gave birth to God, rejoice O holy Virgin, rejoice O Mother of Christ.
Hail to the heaven, hail to the chaste, hail to the Mother of Christ, hail to the bride, hail to the wise, rejoice O Mother of our Savior, rejoice O Mother of the Light of the world. Hail to the one, the archangels announced to.
Rejoice O you the one that is honored, by the choir of the angels, rejoice O Mary, O full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed is your birth giving, and blessed is your rejoicing heart, hail to you O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your fruit, which your heart rejoices in, O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Feasts => Saints Feasts => General Glorification (Tamgeed of St.Mary)
Come all you nations, to see the archangel, proclaiming: Hail to you O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Come all you nations, to see the archangel, proclaiming: hail to you O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, the palace which is adorned, with the Word of the Father, hail to you O Mary, O you full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, the palace which is adorned, with the Word of the Father, hail to the bride, hail to the wise, the full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, you to whom the Holy Spirit came, and filled you with grace, O Mother of the Bridegroom, the God glorified you, the Word, took flesh and was born from you, for the heavenly.
Angels always give, honor unto you, in the human race, the joy, to all the people, the archangels, with the hosts of angels proclaim: rejoice O Mary, you are full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Hail to the Theotokos, hail to the holy Virgin, hail to the mother of our Savior, rejoice O Mary, O you who gave birth to God, rejoice O holy Virgin, rejoice O Mother of Christ.
Hail to the heaven, hail to the chaste, hail to the Mother of Christ, hail to the bride, hail to the wise, rejoice O Mother of our Savior, rejoice O Mother of the Light of the world. Hail to the one, the archangels announced to.
Rejoice O you the one that is honored, by the choir of the angels, rejoice O Mary, O full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed is your birth giving, and blessed is your rejoicing heart, hail to you O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your fruit, which your heart rejoices in, O Mary, you have found grace, the Lord is with you.