dear brothers and sisters,
i want to tell my friends 'happy easter' but without using the a name that comes from a pagan goddess. i don't want to say anything really long like 'may the blessings of our Lord be with you as we celebrate His glorious resurrection' although that is certainly better.
but is there a short way to say it without using the word 'easter'?
i mean i want to say it in english, obviously there are great ways to say it in arabic, coptic and greek.
do you just say 'happy Pascha?'
what do you all think we should say?
and may you all have a happy Pascha anyway, and may God bless you a lot during Holy week :)
piekhristos aftonf
Happy next sunday
so if ur friends are a different denomination of Christian then it could also be a good conversation starter
God Bless and please pray for me and my weakness