Finals are coming up

edited December 1969 in Prayer Requests
Please pray for me (my grades & mental health from lack of sleep  :'( )...

I did very well in my midterms, but 2 of them I did terrible which is making me feel  :-[ worried. I don't wanna fail, but some of my teachers I'm surprised how they were employed in the first place (ie they can't teach for foul)! I also don't want to disappoint my father.

I'll also be praying for anyone on here with their school stuff (though finals may still be much later for some people...w/e).


  • Off topic - I asked my friend today what courses he was scared of failing; he said, "I'm not scared of anything - only God because I am a sinner. I'll leave my grades in God's hands."

    His words are gold.
  • that's really gold  :)
    accept your abilities and talents as they are, then give all of your day to God.
    you need to study but also to eat, relax a little, read the Bible, clean your room etc, just don't be excessive in study so you are so tired and remember nothing or excessive in relaxing so you learn nothing.

    if you slip a grade, maybe its because (eg) God wants you to have an exciting life as a junior manager instead of a mundane but difficult life as a lawyer, top executive etc. the top jobs really aren't the most fun!

    lastly, don't focus so hard on your destination that you forget to enjoy the journey. you're young, and smart, thank God for that!
  • I try to pray everyday for ALL God's children who have studies and ask Him to give them good understanding of their topics and bless them with excellent grades in their exams.

    Please pray for my son so he may make better use of his time, to be convinced to give adequate time for his studies, so he would also perform well and answer correctly in his exams.

  • yeah, and i also pray for him to give time to Bible study and prayer, as being close to God when you leave school is even more important than having good grades. in fact, when we get close to God, we are less selfish and lazy, so we 'work hard for the Lord' rather than trying to appear to our teachers that we work hard, while all the time trying to work less.
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