:o :o :o
According to a recent Newsweek Poll{a popular news magazine}79% of Americans believe in the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ,67% believe the entire Christmas story{angels,star,sheperds,etc};55% believe the Bible to be word for word literally true{the story of Jonah,Adam and Eve,etc.};52% believe that Jesus is coming again{2nd coming};93% believe that Jesus actually lived;82% believe Jesus was God or the Son of God;62% believe that creation science should be taught alongside of Evolution in our public schools;43% think creationism should be taught in place of evolution.
Wow! Those are extremely high numbers.Much higher than Europe,Australia,Canada,etc.You would be hard-pressed to find any country in the world with that high of a percentage of people who believe in Christianity{Nigeria is close}and the Bible.No wonder God has blessed this nation like no other in world history{Israel perhaps being the exception}.
One other interesting fact is that most people in the survey said that American culture did not reflect christian values overwhelmingly but only somewhat{but still more than most countries}.Very interesting! Many people here in America believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible but are,sadly, being swept along by secular humanist moral values and not living their christian faith to it's fullest
but other than that great to hear that very high numbers and with this society around now thats very impressive
GB them
GBU all
Your right! Our society here in America is kind of messed up!So many worldy things that take our eyes off of the truly important spiritual and moral values.Our faith in Jesus Christ and our obedience to Him should always be the first priority in our lives, but sadly, in many cases it isnt.We Americans say we believe in God but it seems like many of us live and act like there isnt a holy and living God sitting on the throne in Heaven.I know I've been quilty of this many times.
Yes,we are blessed to live in a country that offers us such freedom and opportunities.Even though the USA is not perfect, it is still one of the best places on Earth to live.I think Australia and Canada are pretty good places as well.Hos Erof would probably add the Netherlands{Holland} as a nice place to live ...lol...at least it's a beautiful place{as is most of old Europe}.Egypt would probably be a pretty good place{most of you on this forum would say it would be the "best" place...lol}to live if it werent for the Muslims. I've heard many good things about Eygpt,that it's much more exciting than America...lol... ;)
By the way Fully Rely On God,It took me awhile to realize where you got the name FROG.Thats quite clever {what you girls would call "cute"}...lol....I feel like such a "sissy" using that word...lol ::) ;)