Hey guys I'm need your advice on getting a tatto.
I always wanted to get a tatto of Mary holding Jesus. I recently saw somebody in church with a tatto on his shoulder except it was Jesus.
Is this a sin?
99% of the church have tattos on there hand.
Thanks in advance!
but now, we get it because we have gotton used to the idea that we should get crosses or tats..>>>in the Bible it says in Leviticus 19:28 "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD".
so just because the we get used to something, doesnt mean it's right. Romans 12:2-"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Also if you get a tattoo of Jesus, it's not going to make Him love you more than He already does. God loves you whether or not you have a tattoo. God says to you and everyone "My son, give Me your heart"-Proverbs 23:26. ( http://stmarkla.org/?p=Arabic%20Sermons/His%20Holiness%20Pope%20Shenouda%20III/1990&option=com_zina&Itemid=266 and click on "Heart importance 90 35").
Ask your confession Father about this issue and im sure he'll guide you.
there is already a forum topic about this..for further clarification go to:
Rabena behebak
according to my source it was when people still didn't have any ID papers etc. with them and so when they died and one could not ID them, they didn't know whether to bury them in muslim or christian cemeteries... that must have been one of the reasons, maybe there are more, but I never heard your explanation before and wondered where you got it?
God bless
i think that information about the converting thing is only part of the history of the cross on the wrists.
please correct me if it's wrong
a close friend of mine has a massive tattoo of the crucifixion on his shoulder and uses it to talk about Jesus with people who are not Christians.
i would suggest you consider 3 points:
1. why do you want it? check it's nothing to with pride
2. remember tattoos hurt a lot, especially if there is any shaded area so check you are brave!
3. if you want to go to share the good news about Jesus in Japan, you need to know you can never go in a spa (natural hot water resort where men and women are segregated and you go naked) with any tattoo, so check God is not calling you to Japan!
and of course talk to your FOC and good friends.
may God bless u
where did u guys get it????
Shops are people that have a special skill and take on this profession, while in the monasteries its monks that are alright at doing it. Also the equipment and sanitation in Egypt isn't any where near the pristine shops you can find across the country.
I hope mine here, and loved it. They do the exact design, exactly how you want it with all the care of making a permanent mark on your body. In Egypt its more like an assembly line where they just cross you and you're good. So I don't know, from personal experience I've seen both and I would def. recommend getting it here. Its cleaner, safer, more professional and will definitely look the way you want it.
I love monasteries for everything else about them :)
Pm me if you want more info, because I just went through the same proces :)