Is it a coincidence that our Coptic New Year falls on the anniversary of the World Trade Centre Attacks?
Does anyone here find that strange - that our new year was based on the year that Diocletion performed MASS executions on Christians (around 284 AD). I mean, a year (a coptic year that is) is counted from that day, and it is usually corresponds to the 12 or 11th of September in the normal calendars.
Is it not just uncanny that the 11th September ALSO marks the day in which terrorists are forcing their religion on non-believers and persecuting them, terrorizing them for their beliefs?
Am I the only person to have seen this association or has anyone else thought about it??
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
But look what happened? The Roman Empire, after Diocletion, became Christian. Those who persecuted the Church of God suddenly became stewards of God's Holy Church.
I wonder what will happen with Islam?
What I think is interesting is this:
Why is it those who have the wrong faith are more intent on making others convert by force to adopt their faith?
I don't see Christians going around threatening to kill others unless they believe in their God.
If this is a repeat of history, then it will mean only great things for Christianity. I hope so anyway.
I don't want to get into a discussion about Abouna Zico, but his channel, and the Al-Hayat channel - and many others too have hundreds of Imams turning to Christianity.
Regardless, why do muslims force their faith on others for? And so what if Diocletion was into Greek statues?? Why did he feel the need on forcing his silly religion on others to the extent that he kills them??
I think if we can understand what made Diocletion do this, we will understand better Islam.
Regardless, why do muslims force their faith on others for? And so what if Diocletion was into Greek statues?? Why did he feel the need on forcing his silly religion on others to the extent that he kills them??
I think if we can understand what made Diocletion do this, we will understand better Islam.
Because religion is control in their eyes. When you have someone believe that your religion is correct, that your way will lead them to heaven, then they are more likely to do what you ask of them, even if it doens't make sence.
When I tell you to join my political party, I may be able to convince you of my views and ideals, but I may fail to convince you, then you won't join... But if I tell you, my god and thus also your god wants you to join, then you will not be able to question god's will and will be more likely to join if indeed you are a member of the leader's religion
It is known that many emperors didn't actually believe in the Roman pagan religion, however it was used as a means of order and control in society. I have often wondered whether the top-leaders of terrorist organizations (many of whom had received a good education) really believed in all the stuff they were selling to the desperate young men and women who would then go off and kill themselves for the sake of some holy war, hoping to receive a reward in heaven. (although one must note that probably suicide-bombers are also promised that their family would be taken care of financially after their death, which may be enough of a reason for a deperate father who can't seem to support his family)
So in the end, it's about control, and control is about money...
The Catholic church is in the middle-ages, people paying their tenths, people going off to fight a 'holy war' in Jeruzalem, etc.
Sadly, religion had always been used throughout history to be able to control people...
just my 2 cents..