hey guys i am searching for a verse in the bible i heard in a saint movie. I am not to sure wat it is in english but i will type it in arabic-english and hopefully you guys get it.
"....ma3ka la oredo shay2an 3ala el arrd" translated it somthing like "with you i have need of nothing on this earth".
Can someone plz tell me what book it is located in and what verse it would be a great help.
thanks ppl and pray for me.
does anyone know where that is?
check out Psalm 73 verse 25 ;)
the_least, there is this thing HH Pope Shenouda wrote on the 'How to behave in a discussion', it's in Arabic though.. here's the link:
http://www.arabchurch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38138 (see number 4)
and this quote is in the paradise of the fathers!