Random Question :)

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Why is it that some members have stars next to their names and others don't.. and what do the stars represent (your rank: newbie, hero..)??

idk.. i've wondered about this for a while, does anyone know?

sorry for my randomness guys  ;D


  • i wanted to ask the same!!
    i restrained myself 4 a few months to see if anyone else asked it. i thought initially u get them from the admins for good behaviour, but there r some people who do excellent posts who don't have any.
    maybe its for frequency of posting rather than quality?
    i know u can go up from 'newbie' if u do enough posts, so right now this is my goal  ;)
  • u get junior member after 100 posts, i've just found out  :)  :)
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