Coptic Translation

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Anyone know a Coptic translation website?


  • A Font translator or a like from english to Coptic?
  • [coptic]Tekconi `mPi`,rictoc tamenrit>
    ouwrp nyi `nou`cqai ejen [/coptic][email protected] [coptic]ouoh ]na] ne `nhanjwm `nrem`n<ymi euoi `nsau[/coptic]
    Send me a mail on [email protected] and I will give you some Coptic files that are useful
    [coptic]nai sop `noulexikon `nrem`n<ymi e ]metaggelia[/coptic]
    They contain a dictionary Coptic to English
    [coptic]oujai qen `P=[=c[/coptic]
  • If you can send me those files to ophadece i would appreciate it! I think i only have the dictionary
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