Lately, I was thinking about the idea of "what you do to others will happen to you".
And my FoC mentioned something that made me think:
He said that "because Moses had killed an Egyptian, God did not forget this. He punished Moses. His punishment was that He did not allow or permit Moses to enter the promised land. He just went around in circles in the wilderness."
Also, is the story of David. King David committed adultary and killed a woman's husband. For this, God punished him. He took away his 1st born child with the woman he committed adultary with, and his own son tried to kill him (absalom). I even do believe that his own daughter was raped.
Finally, another example is of Jacob. He fooled his father to get the blessing of the 1st born. Because he fooled his father, he himself was fooled when he went to get married; and his father-in-law made him marry the wrong woman.
Can someone tell me:
a) Does the CHurch see these as temporary admonitions from God? or was it just the personal contemplations of my old FoC.
b) What happens if we do not receive our punishment? St. Moses the black wished to die and suffer in the way he had made others suffer. What if we do not receive admonition for our actions, and we die?? Do we go to heaven or hell???
(bearing in mind what abouna said).
The underlying issue of this topic is in fact about vengence. That God deals with each person justly, and we should not seek vengence ourselves, but trust that God will give us our rights. I think!!! (I hope at least).
Also, is the story of David. King David committed adultary and killed a woman's husband. For this, God punished him. He took away his 1st born child with the woman he committed adultary with, and his own son tried to kill him (absalom). I even do believe that his own daughter was raped.
David's daughter was raped by her own brother.... then all the princes (the sons of David) got murdered after....
But was all this "bad luck" or did God allow this to happen to David's daughter for what he had done to Uriah's wife? (and to Uriah?
Also, this form of "punishment" - is it true that it served a purpose to not only teach David a lesson, but to also (as abouna said) that he pays his price here on earth, rather than in the eternal life??
This is what i wish to know.
THanks for anyone if u can help answer this.
If God punished us (temporarily) for the bad things we have done, then surely when bad things happen, we should thank God that it means He prefers to punish us here, rather than later - when its too late.
That's what I want to know?
And furthermore, if the above statement is true - then what happens if God does NOT punish us.
Like - let's say that I do something bad. REALLY BAD (just like King David) - and NOTHING happens to me. Nothing!!
In fact, all that happens to me is i have a nice life. Does that mean I should expect my punishment later on when I die??
This is related also to us seeking vengence. Sometimes, its hard to see something bad happen to u, and those get away with it. But if what abouna said about temporary admonition is true - it means that we shouldn't worry about vengence at all!!!
See - but I don't know if its true or not.