I think, it was Elsi the queen of the Ethiopian Church who was asking if there is a person who literally followed the words of Jesus, who had said: "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven; and come, follow Me". Alongside St Anthony, St Paul the first hermit had also followed the spirit of the Lord's words.While I am at it, and I am certain Elsi knows it but for the sake of the blessings of this great Saint, I would like to mention that the Abysinnian (Present day Ethiopia, Eritrea and parts of Yemen and Sudan) church has also a giant Saint named Abba Aregawi who was the grandson of King Constantinople.Abba Aregawi was an heir to the throne of Rome, but he abandoned it for the sake of Christ. In his days, It was fashion to go to Syria, Egypt and Abyssinia to seek and find Christ. Abba Aregawi left Rome for Syria and joined 8 other saints on their mission to Abyssinia.These were the 9 saints that had laid the foundation of Orthodox Christianity in Abyssinia. Abba Aregawi was the youngest of all,but the other Saints noted his level of sprituality was much greater than theirs.Becasue he was great in his faith, they decided to name him 'Aregawi' which means 'although younger,he is older' than us. When the Saint finished converting the locals, he wanted to be closer to God and saw a mountain that seemed to touch the heavens. By miracle,he was transported to the top of the mountain. It is this same Mountain,that the other giant Saint Teklehaymanot descended when he grew the 6 wings of the Seraphim. Sorry to digress.
Back to St Paul, it is mind-boggling to realize there are virtually no Churchs that are named after him.Doesnt the first hermit of the world deserve more than a monastry named after him? I wonder. As the following recent miracle shows, he is a powerful saint whose intercessions are needed. Part 2 follows...
Praise God in all His Saints (Ps 150:1)
One day in february, 1995, a few days after the feast day of ST. Paul the Anchorite (Anba Paula the first hermit), Rose (not her real name)discovered a lump in her breast. She saw a surgeon who took a biopsy of the lump. The result was very tragic, it was found to be malignant.
Rose, who works as a pathologist and a member of the teaching staff of the University of Western Ontario Medical School in London, Ontario reviewed the slides made from the tumour with the rest of the members of the Department of Pathology, including the head of the Department. The verdict was; definite malignancy. In relating the story to me she told me, "Abouna, not only is it malignant, but the kind of malignancy is such that it would kill within one year." I believed her, for she ought to know.
A dark veil fell upon the whole family. Rose's husband broke down, the children aged 9, 11, and 13 were devastated. Rose tried to put on a brave face, but sseing the condition of her husband and children, she too broke down. One time, she came from outside, un-noticed by the children to find them kneeling, with tears in their eyes, sobbing and pleading, "Please God, don't take our mom from us." She went into her
room. locked the door and cried her heart out. She repeatedly told me, "I don't mind going to be with Christ, but I feel sorry for my husband and the children." Rose prayed a lot, but in the end she surrendered her fate to God and accepted God's will. One time, sitting in the living room of their house in London, she confinded in me, "When I'm gone, please help Adel (not her husband's real name) find a suitable wife. He cannot cope with the children alone." I fought very hard to conceal the tears in my eyes by pretending to Look at the wall across from me, It was then thsat I noticed an icon of ST. Paul the Anchorite, in whose name the Coptic Church in London is registered. Where is your faith Rose? I said. "This is your Saint (pointing to the Icon), ask him to perform a miracle." I then added, "Let us make a deal with him, if he would cure you, then you would buy the furnishings of the Sanctuary and Altar of
the Church we will buy or build in his name." I then added jokingly, "And if he dosn't cure you then we should change the name of this church to ST. Mena's !" That conversation took place on the eve of the operation to remove her breast.
On the morning of the operation, Rose was very calm. She was even joking with every one aroud her. She had faith that God, through the prayers of ST. Paul the Anchorite, can cure her.
She also had hope that He will cure her. Most importantly, she had completely surrendered her will to the will of God. On the operating table, her last words to the surgeon before being put to sleep were these, "The slides look very bad, but there is still room for a miracle."
Under anesthesia, the surgeon re-examined the lump. He was surprised to find that it had shrunk in size. It was also freely moving in the breast and not fixed. As usual, he opened the breast, removed the lump, sent it to the Lab for confirmation of the diagnosis, and waited.
We were waiting outside, her husband, myself and a few friends of the family. Suddenly, the head of the department of Pathology, a sweet elderly lady, rushed into the waiting room with a perplexed look on her face, "I can't understand it ! It is not malignant. But .. how can this be, I
was very careful looking at the slides before the operation. How on ..." Seconds later, the surgeon joined us, still in his operating gown, with his surgical mask hanging around his neck and he is screaming, "It's a miracle .. it's a miracle. She asked a miracle and she got one ! I have never seen anything like this in my life." It was total confusion, a dozen poeple talking in the same time, some were screaming, some were
crying, evert body was hugging the person next to him, sobbing and laughing at the same time.
After the pandemonium settled down, we all sat down trying to absorb what was happening. Word came that she could go home in a couple of hours. The husband rushed to bring the children from their schools in order to take Mom home. The same Mom they entreated God not
to take away from them.
For one week after the operation, every Pathologist around reviewed the slides (before and after the operation) trying to find any mistake in the initial diagnosis, but there were non. Grudgingly and reluctantly the had to admit it, "It is a miracle !"
The congregation of the Church of Saint Paul the Anchorite in London had no problem accepting this. Saint Paul is their Saint, and time after time, they all had experienced their own little miracles that he performed among them.
One thing became clear to them: the time had come to have a church building dedicated to that great Saint. A place where poeple can come and light a taper in front of his Icon. Where poeple in distress can come seeking his prayers and intercessions. And .. where they can come later
paying their vows and venerating this great Athlete of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory be to God who has given His saints the gits of healing and doing wonders, and praised be His Saint Abba Paul the Anchorite.
and you are ight, there aren't many Churches named after some of our Great Saints... (thay all have beautiful names, but it is a small variety of names that keeps on repeating)... like St.Paul, or even 'el 'Anba Karas 'el Sa'eh.... as far as i know, there is only one Church named after Him and it is the one that produced His Movie... anybody know where Dyrout is?? cause that is where Anba Karas Church is....
God Bless and Pray for me and my weakness
pray for me
You have reminded me of all the wonders! How glorious! I am forgetting the story of Abba Aregawi. Ethiopia has been blessed with sooooooooooo many Saints coming to her aid. Miraculous occurances happen there everyday. I am not saying this to belittle this great miracle of Anba Paul's, but I would like to understand. Jesus Christ did all of those spectacular miracles and said that we would do even greater miracles than He! Yet we have all of these doctors and hospitals but miracles are few and far between.
Has anyone heard of someone who is crippled being made to get up and walk? Being made whole? Crippled legs becoming straight and perfect?
Please forgive me I am not eloquent like the first St. Paul, who knew exactly which words to use to be understood; but maybe this example might help:
As a child I was terrified of the exorcist movie! I had the novel and when I started to read it, it scared me so bad I threw it away. Of course as I got older, I became more brave, but was still timid. It was BIG news if an exorcism occured, just for one person. Then I went to Ethiopia and saw people lined up for miles getting exorcism. It is an everyday thing there and not just one person is healed but many.
I don't think we realize as Christians just how powerful we are. Even in today's scripture lessons it teaches of when Christ said "Who are my mother and brothers and sisters?" He said those who follow His teachings can be called mother of Christ, brother and sister of Christ! That means each of us.
Let's go forward and heal the world in preparation for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christs return.
Thank you for your prayers
No wonder I forgot about Abune Aregawi. He is the patorn Saint of Debra Damo Monastery: The Monastery females are not allowed in. Not even female animals! I wonder if it is even bad for a woman to think of going to such heights... :).
Now my memory has been refreshed! I remember his story and how he lived in a cave with a huge snake (boa) side by side in peace.
I am glad that you liked the great miracle performed by Anba Paul on the other side of the Atlantic. Joe thanks, you have answered my question beautifully.The response was poetic and of sheakespearan proportion and I would like to read you when you dig him in your English A levels but have mercy on us slow learners. I would certainly use your line of reason when explaining why there are no churches named after Anba Paul.
Here is the 2nd Documented Miracle. Both miracles were documented by Hegemon Abouna Athanasius Iskander,the great priest and theologian from , I think, Canada. Those of you still in exams know now where to turn after reading this miracle. I sense my friend Coptic Pharoah scoring 4 A's in his last 4 exams:-)
Hesham (his real name) came to Canada from Egypt a year ago. He is a pharmacist, married
with two children, a member of the congregation of ST. Mary's Church in Kitchener.
To obtain his licence in Pharmacy, Hesham had to write several exams, all of which he passed except for the English Proficiency exams, which he repeatedly flunked. The passing grade was 75% (225 out of 300), but he never even came close to that.
To make things worse, the college changed the rules, making the passing grade 80% ! He fell into despair. "If I couldn't make it even to 65%, how can I get 80% ?" The miracle of Rose was still fresh in our minds, so I told him, "Why don't you ask ST. Paul for help?" I then added, "Make a little vow to him, if you pass your exam, you would buy a silver
set of Altar Vessels for his church in London." He agreed.
A week later, he came to me after church. He was so dejected. He told me that he did so badly on the exam, that he does'nt believe that he will score even 50%. Not only that, but the exam now had an oral part to it, in which he had to listen to recorded questions and record his answers.
It was this part that worried him most. "I didn't understand half the questions and I was saying anything to the recorder !" In answer, I told him, "I'm glad that you didn't do well!" So surprised, he asked, "Why?" I said, "Because if you pass now, you will know for sure that it is ST. Paul's prayers that did it for you !"
A few days later, he phoned me. He was so excited. "I passed with full marks 300 / 300 !" "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Yes" He answered. "I have the papers to prove it .. and I already got my Licence. Even the girl who gave me the licence told me I have never heard of any body scoring 100% in this exam !" The problem is that Hesham now speaks only in English ! A few days ago, he came to me complaining that his friends make fun of him, "Zey don't bileev zat I gut sree handred in bronanciation !" "Neither do I Hesham, habibi !" I said. It was probably ST. Paul's voice on thbat recording machine.
Hesham started looking for a job, asking for ST. Paul's help. He got a job on his first interview.He told me that the guy who interviewed him told him, "You speek very good English !" then he added "The guy was Chineese !" Guess where Hesham got his Job? Of course, in London Ontario, where else?
Father Athanasius Iskander
I sense my friend Coptic Pharoah scoring 4 A's in his last 4 exams:-)
ACTUALLY.. i got the mark for 2 of the 4.... on these 2 guess whjat i got???.... i got both A, (even A+)... The Saints were working wonders... Hopefully i did good on the other 2....
and that is a WONDERFUL story.....
BLESSED ARE THE SAINTSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAY FOR US ALLLL!!!!!
i still have my exams this year and i have 7...i hope they will listen to my prayers and lift it to god and help ME!
Pray Pray Pray :)