Text Request

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
Hey guys I'm looking for the text of [coptic]Wcanna[/coptic] the greek hymn after the aspasmos watos for the Gregorian Liturgy.


  • [coptic]`Wcanna en tic `u`'ictic@ eulogymenoc `o el;wn ke er,omenoc en `onomati Kuriou@ `wcanna en tic `u`'ictic.[/coptic]
    Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who came and comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest.

    [right] هوشعنا في الأعالي، مبارك الذي أتى ويأتي بإسم الرب، هوشعنا في الأعالي[/right]
  • Thanks a lot mina, very much appreciated
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