Hello. I'm a deacon and last year I was too young to care about anything going on in Holy week but this year I would like to study it. Can anyone give me what happens in holy week in a format like this please:
(Example: Liturgy)
1.Abouna Picks Orban.
2.Prozifixaste is said by deacon while Abouna goes around the alter.
3.Deacons Kneel outside the alter.
4. Hymn Tishori and Heten Are said.
5.Pauline starts.
It doesen't need to be in great detail. Maybe in about 10-15 points.
(I know I'm a new user name but I'm ALWAYS on Tasbeha and almost no other website but tasbeha, I always read the latest discussions and listion to hymns daily, it is my homepage ;D)
Thanks you, God Bless.
Copt Andrew