The Fast of jonah, and the Feast of the Cana of Galilee

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church
Just a question guys, i know that the Feast of Cana of Galilee takes place on the 13th of Toba in the Coptic calender. Does Jonah's fast take place the day after immediately (i.e. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday [feast]) or on a set coptic day?

thank you



  • the feast of cana was almost a month ago. jonahs fast is monday
  • Isn't it always on a monday??

    Coptic Servent
  • Yes the fast is always mon-wed and the feast is always a thurs, just like how great lent always starts on a monday
  • Sorry, my mistake i meant the Feast of the Lord's entry into the temple...

    but thanks guys, - so it is just always on the monday after the feast?
  • i dont think so. im not entirely sure though the thing is that it has to be 2 weeks before lent and lent has to be 55 days before the lunar equniox i think so jonahs is based on lent not the feast correct me if im wrong
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