Don't you think if God told us if you struggle for 20 years (not too extreme struggles.. not as bad as 300 pushups a day) against lust or another sin then you will be free forever from this vice... not even the naked body and anything would be able to move you.. that we would be more encouraged to stop sin... thats supposing lust was the most important sin to stop.. but there is ofcourse other sins.. but would you be encouraged to fight them all if lust was eliminated?
(because I think some people enjoy others being weak) and I am not allowed to think that the people bringing the stumbling blocks are weak.. but only I am weak? am I not left out? thats a load of rubbish perhaps... I am allowed to think some people are weak for selling their souls and acting very disgusting, foolish and weak... but then what? what after I think that?
maybe this topic is nonsense and God would give me the answer quickly.. the reason is I am feeling weak now... it is my fault.. and am close to sin..
probably a poor excuse
We had a thread that explained how many migrants when they came from their strict homeland into a Western country, what was taboo they often frequent. It goes to show that for many of us we have not developed a hatred of sin, and just being presented the opportunity is enough for us to be ensnared by evil, in its most hideous form.
If you have a sibling, you would not even be able to judge him or her, since those times you have not spent together could have shaped them.
People often want to wish others are weak, because it helps them with their sense of self-esteem. This is rather obscure, since their *self*-esteem has nothing to do with *self* but others? That is rather peculiar. Instead, we should consider ourselves as dust, but knowing that a Being so greater than us came to save us, and continually blesses you, and actually wants to be active in your life, humbles us and makes us both happy, yet, with a sense of responsibility.
The lessons you will learn from trying to get rid of a sin or vice will serve you with other sins and your maturity, so never fear. Don't think of it as I finally got rid of sin X, but I don't have sin X between You and me Lord, and I have learned A, B, and C while doing so.
In getting rid of lust, for instance, you will find that you have to manage anger problems, sleeping patterns, your interaction with people, the way you eat....many things. Try instead of focusing on sin, focus on virtue? Ask a priest about that one.
Always remember that without (living) faith, we cannot please God. So if you are naturally disciplined; you're a veteran or something, and you can with just a little struggle follow the commandments etc., that is nothing unless the person does it with faith. Faith in what? That it is by grace we do good works. That it is the Holy Spirit which has allowed us to partake of the Divine Nature. That what we do is not in vain. And that we are not lost in the rhythm of following rules, but that having faith in God we believe we have a purpose and will, and we are prioritizing them. And that we will struggle as we know how, and if we know we are being faithful in the little He gives us, He will faithful to us, and be compassionate on the sins we do on the way, knowing our prays and cries for mercy are not in vain.
But I wish to understand something
"If you have a sibling, you would not even be able to judge him or her, since those times you have not spent together could have shaped them."
This is horrible.. Are not prayers for them enough? (Prayers are meant to change them too.. what about the monks who leave their family and pray for them?).. David says "Deliver me from bloodguiltiness O LORD and my mouth will show forth Your praise" it was explained I think that this could also be from the guilt of there being a dead soul left because of us. Hopefully not to go to hades.
But anyway I want to try to spend more time with my siblings.. for I think I might be able to do something in action but I do not know how much.. and I think I can enjoy doing atleast some things together with them (like play games with my brother or watch some show on tv).. but once I start I may not know when to stop. I will have many things to say but it angers them it seems. I hope it will not cause me to be too attached and not want to spend time with God directly and have self control..
I hope I have not wearied you. If God wills perhaps someone else can reply.
God Bless you!