its an eastcoast competition where certain books are assigned and read and then they meet up at the Philly Church and questions are asked to see hwo wins it
ya i heard about that, congrats to westside on their new preist, but anyways GOOOO BERGENNNNNN, lol bergen 1 Highschool got 3rd place and bergen 2 college got 3rd also. Unfortunately we lost by 3 points when we were taken out by philly :-\, oh well 3rd place isnt bad. congrats to all the other churches too btw
1. delware
2. brunswick
3. bergan
where certain books are assigned and read and then they meet up
at the Philly Church and questions are asked
to see hwo wins it
whose the new priest for westside??
Deacon Maged Abdel-messeh. He'll be ordained next Saturday Sep 1.
Special Congrats to westside for their new priest.