coptic synexarion

edited December 1969 in Technical Topics
Am i the only one having difficulty accessing the synexarion online these past two days?

I get the following message !!!!!

Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? in /home/icopts/public_html/lib/ on line 81
Synexarion for 21 of Abib Search: Tute Babah Hatour Kiahk Tubah Amshir Baramhat Baramoudah Bashans Baounah Abib Misra ElNasi submit | Today | Next Day >>
No Data found for 21 / Abib An y reasons for this? I cannot access it with the past few days. thank u


  • Nope, I just accessed and printed from it. Maybe there is something wrong with your computer?
  • hmmthat ocassionally happens to me..and with accesing alot of things on this site..

    however its just a SIMILAR message
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