Save your Coptic Church

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Dear Fellow Copts,

As a Coptic youth that spent most of my life growing up outside of Egypt, I never really saw the persecution that has been occuring against our Coptic brothers and sisters in Egypt, butI have recently been following these incidents and and tired of being scared for my family and friends whenever i hear about one of these incidents. I am assuming that most people that are reading this are children, youth and adults that were raised and lived a portion of their lives away from Egypt. We are the future of the Coptic Church and I feel that we need to protect our church from now, rather than be forced to protect its survival later. We need to do all that we can to try to stop what is happening. I urge all of you to talk to your fellow Copts in your churches. Talk to your youth leader, start a petition with the blessing of your Priest. Invite the local media for a peaceful protest/prayer dedicated to the incidents in Alexandria. Write letters to your local goverment, local media, and even the president/prime minister of your country. This will not change if we only stand around feelin sorry for our people. We need to take action. If you have a significant number of youth in your church, please, have a meeting, find a way to make a difference. I know that this will be hard, but it is needed. May God guide you and help you in everything you do, and please do it in his name, for his people, if there is anything i can do to help you, please feel free to contact me. [email protected]

Thank you for your time and your actions.
God Bless


  • chek it... all of sydney is doing a march this week... cant w88888888888888888888888
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