Hey everybody,
Can someone explain the reason for saying 100 kirie eleysons in all four directions during Good Friday? Also, what's the reason for saying 10 kirie eleysons in the east (I think it's 10, I'm not sure) that we say after saying 100 in each direction?
Thanks and God bless.
love lots,
and about the monks in the earlier days would do matanias for each other it's like shaking hands or a sign of humbleness so in this case it's not worshipping
so we shouldnt really do matanias to any1 so thr's no misunderstanding
God bless
and monks do it as saying hi not praising each other
If you ever read "bostan el rohban" (can't remember the english name for it now), you will see that they do that if someone is mad at someone and that other person is asking forgivness from the other monk...then they do matnias to each other.
How do you know that we don't praise someone by bowing down to them?
Even the pope, priests always bow down to him? and what's St Mary compare to the Pope...?
but i saw in saints movies 'st john the short in certain' that he'd do matanias to monks whenever he sees them that's y i'm sayin it's like a humble way of saying hi
wow!!! u actually ya c.s. do the kneeling during the matanias???
Tab3an bah kneel during the matanias, of course I love to, it's so much fun, but I kind of get nauseous everytime I bend my head down, I get sick and headaches!
Coptic Servent
It's not about throwing up...matnias are only done when you are fasting with no food...You can't do matnias when you are not fasting...that's why in the prime prayer in the agpeya there is a section that says let us worship....etc...you are suppose to do matnias on those because you haven't eaten yet..and this prayer isn't in the other prayers.
I never knew that before, I always pray prime, and if I run out of time, because my ride for school is here, I finish quick, thanks for telling me that, I actually never heard of that!
Coptic Servent