i open my mouth

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
anyone have the communion madiha that we do in the resurection in english (its called i open my mouth i think)


  • madiha is arabic in arabic its cale (ana aftah fai)
  • I just have one question for you cop, is I open my mouth, does it go like this--I open my mouth, and proclaim, and utter mysteries, does it go something like this?

    Coptic Servent
  • dear cop

    it sounds like you're looking for "the burning bush"

    the first verse goes something like this...

    i open my mouth proclaiming
    stating the hidden mysteries
    about St Mary mother of light
    blessed are you pride of humanity

    im sure its available somewhere online, but if you cant find it post a reply or send me a private message and i will type it and send it to you

    hope it helped
    GBU all

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