edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church
what does this really mean,
"Assuredly, i say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, will by no means enter it" mark 10:15

plz reply and give me any thoughts u may have on this topic...
thnx heaps


  • Well I don't know if I can help, but I think what Jesus meant by that is to show us that we should be like little children to enter the kingdom of Heaven. That we shouldn't question what God planned for us. I also think that He meant that we should act as a little children by not sinning. I mean little children don't know what sin is, they don't know what is the nature of sin.
    I don't think I helped, but may God guide us in answering this question.
  • it could sorta be a denpeding on thing
    as in children need guidance, and some one to look after them, God.
    like the mass and the agpia says," he gives food in due time"
    even the Lords prayer "our daily bread"
    like a father/mother would provide there children.
    thnx so much 4 ur reply
    may God bless u and keep u strong in the faith
    u r in my prayers ;)
  • we're supposed approach our spiritual lives in complete simplicity and faith....exactly how little children view the world. Christ siad this verse after the disciples had rebuked the children who ran to Christ to be touched by Him and blessed. i view this as Christ's way of stressing the fact the we need Him just as children need their parents and as they openly run into the arms of their parents embrace, we should also learn to stay in the arms of our Father's guidance.
    Your sister,
  • I think that the verse means just as it says. One must be a taught from childhood to accept, recognize, and believe in god. Aside from any particular religion, Jews and Muslims also believe there is some god; some omnipotent force or being. Due to their acceptance that there is a higher unseen authority, they maybe able to convert their ideas or have their views changed. In my school however, a laaaaaarge amount of people are atheists. To even begin to negotiate anything about religion with an atheist is almost impossible. Due to the fact that they have grown and matured; when one grows the views they have acquired hardly change. Without god in their life, they dismiss any idea of god existing. They are more concerned with scientific proof and justification more than anything. Although it is possible for these people to be convinced, it would be a difficult task. Where on the other hand, if one is taught as a child to believe in god, it stays with them forever and they have less difficulty entering his kingdom. This is more of a literal explanation of the verse. From a figurative stand point, I agree with Marys. The children ran to Jesus for his blessing, when they were reprimanded for doing so, Jesus was upset because if the children were shunned from such a young age, they would be inclined to stay away from him and would not enter his kingdom. Just as if a child is yelled at or beaten for doing something, they tend not to do it again. I’ve babbled enough…
  • i think its about being pure
    a lil child is PURE
    wen u grow older, u can CHANGE
    stay PURE :)
    GBU ;)

    ps. this topic was posted a day b4 my bday :D
  • A little child believes his Father,loves his Father,obeys his Father.A little child trusts his Father and depends and rests in His love.
  • a relevant qoute:

    Abba Antony besought God to inform him why young children died whilst so many old men lived, and why upright men were poor whilst the wicked were rich, and why some were blind and others had their sight, and why the righteous suffered from illness whilst the wicked were healthy, and a voice came, which said, 'Antony, take care of thine own self, for these matters are the judgements of God.'
    -Paradise of the Holy Fathers

    GBU ;)
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