How can we be one with the Eastern Orthodox if they belive Peter is chief apostle. If that was serious heresy it seems the gates of hades prevailed against them and they can’t be part of the true church. Why don’t we believe it if church fathers said it but I guess we interpret it differently that every pope (and maybe even bishop since I heard all bishops are peter) when he holds orthodox faith is peter I believed our interpretation but I forget it now or that is it
When peter was alive I believe he was chief apostle when jesus first met him he called him a stone and peter was mentioned many times before the other apostles
Now they believe in prayer for all the dead maybe not consistent with Maccabees which is worse than purgatory but it may not be official doctrine but it ought still to be condemned
If Rome believes we are a church without accepting that the pope of Rome has supremacy shouldn’t that make them orthodox if they have no heresies just as we accept Eastern Orthodox but it should be if they have no heresy so they don’t need to be rebaptised?
I don’t say others are not Christian or less but they are not true church they teach heresy they need to not teach heresy
would be united as Paul says
Repentance is always what is required.