I understand that the ninth commandment states that we should not bear false witness which means not to lie.
Here is my question, are all lies considered wrong/sinful?
For example: if I lie to save an innocent person's life, is this considered a sin? Or if I lie to prevent someone's feelings from getting hurt, is this a sin?
'How can I control my tongue so as to tell no more lies?' And Abba
Alonius said to him, 'If you do not lie, you prepare many sins for
yourself.' 'How is that?' said he. The old man said to him, 'Suppose
two men have committed a murder before your eyes and one of
them fled to your cell. The magistrate, seeking him, asks you, "Have
you seen the murderer?" If you do not lie, you will deliver that man
to death. It is better for you to abandon him unconditionally to
God, for he knows all things.' - sayings of the desert fathers
I hope I am expressing myself respectfully while making sense..
Would it be Orthodox to say that God will judge actions based on the intention of one's heart? This way we are not limiting God to the letter of the commandment but we are considering the spirit of the commandment.