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Hey folks,
I generally take an active stance against the discussion of politics in any way. I view it as the futile attempt of man to create order where it cannot last, and to be honest I feel as though it is beneath any self-respecting, intelligent, sentient mind. I purposely make a mockery of ballot slips by voting for obscure figures and ticking two or three candidates on the same sheet and by drawing obscure cartoon figures of the major political candidates (we have compulsory voting in Australia, so its either take 10 mins to vote around the corner or pay a fine). This probably stems from my hatred towards Sophists and all forms of rhetorical speech. I don't tend to make any such generalisations about anything, however from what I have seen from politicians it is quite difficult to refrain from speaking. I will try to express my views in an orderly fashion but I can't promise anything.
Born and raised in Australia itself raises questions about morality. A convict colony turned federation sounds like an inspiring story but considering that the local indigenous population suffered immensely in the process under the banner of Christianity, it doesn't feel so glamorous. Recently there have been many attempts to correct this which is good but still leaves much to be done. The political spectrum in Australia today seems to be a great debate between centre-right vs. centre-left/left. It doesn't seem so bad when you consider a country like the US.
I wish to point out that I do not have anything against the American people however they're political process seems absurd beyond anything I've ever seen.
I wish to reiterate that this is not an attack on the American people in general. A presidential race that takes almost 1.5-2 years seems excessive. It seems to have created an atmosphere where people are defined by whether they are a Republican or a Democrat. I will use the American model as a representative of all western democracies for my argument since it best displays my views.
My problem with American politics is that it only accommodates for two specific groups of people; Republican, i.e. religious nutcase, believes the universe was created in 6 periods of 24hrs each, wants to shoot everyone who disagrees with them, claims to defend freedom but stifles it at every turn etc. or Democrat, i.e. godless, near-immoral, claims to defend freedom but goes way too far with its erroneous justifications for freedom, etc. I know these might not be entirely true, but at least thats what I understood from the media (wink-wink).
I will focus on Republicans because they have taken it upon themselves to speak for Christians - a task at which they have no proficiency. It's quite embarrassing. It all started with Constantine declaring Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire - a colossal scar in the history of the church. By defining Christianity as the status quo he inevitably warranted the persecution of everyone else BY CHRISTIANS.
Last year we had a federal election. There exists in Australia an obscure political party called the One Nation Party. It is the equivalent of the Tea Party although not as widely followed. While their entire ideology is laughably preposterous, one specific candidate stood out with distinction in her sheer idiocy. Her name was Stephanie Banister. Instead of outlining her 'views' I direct you to the following news report:
Now you see what I mean. She has been dubbed 'Australia's Sarah Palin'.
She is the equivalent of many 'conservative' figures and views on the American stage and media, such as:
1. Sarah Palin - 'Water-boarding is how we baptise terrorists'. - I laughed so hard it took me two days to get the orange juice I was drinking out of my nose. I don't know about you but that is just downright heretical. To equate one of the seven mysteries of the church, the mandate for the legitimacy of our church as the true church through the descent of the Holy Spirit with a form of torture is offensive and sinful. I think the Inquisitors during the Papal (roman) Medieval Inquisition and the Spanish Inquisition would be proud of her.
2. Ann Coulter - "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity". Orange juice all over again. I can't find the words to describe her so you'll have to do that on your own, but I don't understand how forcing Christianity on someone through murder is acceptable. The irony is of cosmic proportions.
3. Gun control - Sorry but your country is almost medieval with its gun policy. I know its just radical right wing crazies supported by big money who are opponents of gun control, but there is no serious opponent to them in the left wing of the political spectrum. In 1996, a shooting occurred in a place called Port Arthur, Australia. You can read details online but it resulted in the Prime Minister at the time, a CONSERVATIVE, to enact strict gun control laws that have been in place since.
Truly brilliant. It is amusing to see such fervour in defence of a constitutional amendment adopted TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO YEARS AGO IN SEVENTEEN NINETY ONE. I would have thought that less guns in public would mean less chance of getting shot therefore removing the necessity for me to carry a weapon.
BTW. The Spanish Inquisition wasn't abolished till 1834 - food for thought.
4. Anti-gay rhetoric - I don't understand why homosexuality is so much more glorified than any regular sin. It seem as though liars, thieves, adulterers are saintly when compared to homosexuals. It was my belief that the Church IS ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY BUT NOT ANTI-HOMOSEXUALS. But now the commandment of love to our neighbours and our enemies can be dispensed with when referring to homosexuals because their 'yucky'. Homosexuality is a sin to be repented and confessed as any other sin is to be. They constantly quote the Old Testament about homosexuality and seemingly refuse to quote St. Paul (Roman 1:24-27). This gives liberals the perfect ammunition considering the laws given by God to Israel do not apply to the people of the New Testament.
These are just some of the arguments that prove politicians and people in the political sphere are as clueless as the day is long. It is surprising to compare politicians with the Pharisees. When Christ asked them about the baptism of John the Baptist, they were shrewd enough to weigh the opposing arguments and didn't just blabber anything that came to mind (like that Phil dude from the Jon Stewart Clip).
In summation, I invite anyone to correct anything I may have foolishly said (SO LONG AS YOU HAVE PROOF), and invite people to share their views with me on this issue.
In Christ,
PS. It might not be directly related to the above but in my opinion this clip is the greatest moment of broadcasting history: