I think the other opinion is the word 'etribi' is taken from 'et-hibi', the word for 'sorrow/sad' in coptic. I believe Albair follows this in his books. can someone tell me if the hori is pronounced an r in any of the coptic dialects?
There are some studies but mainly on pharaonic language that suggests that the 'r' sound could precede the hori of the pharaonic language in some cases. Of course Coptic is a descendant of the pharaonic and this phenomenon is seen but it has to be stressed out the the hori becomes strong pronunciation, as ha' or ayn in Arabic sounds. For example "embeahow" meaning the day annexed to an objective article transforms in slang day to day lingo into "embareh", with the h being ha' sound. Can't think of another example right now, but I'm sure there's another common word with Ayn sound. Anyway, for that reason I think Albair's point isn't correct.. Oujai
Ok there's a verb in both Bohairic and Sa'idic pronounced as /arhaba-i/ that refers to mourning, or funeral. However, the nouns or adjectives are conjugated differently to edriby still, but not implausibly though. I learnt that it was related to a town's name, but Albair may be right! Oujai
Sorry this is late. The Coptic word is not et-hibi. It is ⲉⲧⲉⲣϩⲏⲃⲓ eterheebi (Bohairc) and ⲉⲧⲣ̅ϩⲏⲃⲉ etrheebe (Sahidic), both mean "that which is grieving" as an adjective. The noun is simply ϩⲏⲃⲓ (Bohairic) and ϩⲏⲃⲉ (Sahidic). Matthew 5:4 says ⲛⲏⲉⲧⲉⲣϩⲏⲃⲓ (Bohairic) and ⲛⲉⲧⲣ̅ϩⲃⲃⲉ (Sahidic) "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
In OB pronunciation, the word theoretically should be pronounced adrahawi or adrahwa. But it is pronounced adarhaba or adrahba, not adribi. But adribi is plausible and I have read this in other sources, including the Coptic Encyclopedia.
My understanding is that the adribi tune is from Syria. I'll have to check Ibn Kabar and some other sources.
@remenkimi, I think your analysis is spot on. However @minatasgeel is right about the tune point. Shami tune comes from Syria. Edriby comes from southern Egypt. Ekhrestos anesty Oujai
Yes you're correct. I conflated adribi with shami tune. My apologies.
While adrabe/adrahwa may be a corrupted form of adribi, it is a little too far fetched to accept adribi is a form of eterhibe/adrahba/adrahwa. It is more plausible to be related to a city but which city is impossible to tell. The same problem applies to Singari. (In this case, there is only one singer city, but it's origins and if it actually came from this city has been debated by Coptologists. The end result is that there is not enough evidence to conclude if singari existed pre-modern era, and if any musical tradition originated in the city now called singer. The same is likely true for Adribi)
Ekhrestos anesty