Questions encountered

Hello Everyone, How is everyone doing? I hope you are all great.

I was just wondering maybe you guys can help me out a bit. I would like to get your response on this question...... What kind of questions do you encounter in your everyday life, by your fellow colleagues, that may shaken your faith in God and your trust in the authenticity of the Holy Bible? I look foreward to your responses and thank you in advance.

Your brother:


  • Questions can only motivate the spiritually mature to search for the answers which will ultimately strengthen one's faith.

    If questions weaken one's faith, it has nothing to do with the nature of the question, or the availability, accessibility and validity of an answer. It has to do with that person's being spiritually immature. Pray, fast, confess, take communion, follow the commandments - and questions will never shake you, even if you never find the answer - an answer which is always out there.
  • Thank you Iqbal for your answer, I dont think that this is the exact answer I am looking for. Our church servant's preperation class are making a presentation on the authenticity of the Holy Bible. One of the tasks is to analyze some questions that are asked in offense against the Bible, and to locate an appropriate answer to these questions. Basically we are trying to prove the authenticity of the Holy Bible by answering any question that one may throw at us when it comes to the Holy Bible. I was just wondering if some of you can help by providing us with some of these questions that you encounter in your day-to- day conversation with friends. I hope this cleared it a bit.

    Thank you again and God Bless

  • well for starts, the Nag Hammadi texts (the dead sea scrolls) that were found in 1950 had some books from the bible that we have now as well as other testments but the books that we have now were a match to the books that were found, as well as the continuation of the book of isiah.

  • well im not sure if this really relates... but here's a question i got asked...

    it involves the Gospels that were not put into the Bible... (that are still in Rome i think, although the person asking the question ssays they were destroyed, im not too sure)this is what i was asked:

    "the Gospels that were not put in the Bible were omit from it because those Gospels talk about the humanity of Jesus, they talk about Him as a man not a God, that's why they were removed (im not sure where the person asking me the question got this info from)... so how is the Bible reliable if it was stratigically put together to only talk about Jesus as the Divine God, ignoring His human side"

    i dont want answers to this or anything (if someone wants to comment though, feel free to) but that's one of the questions you might wanna research for your class and answer...

    hope that helped

    take care and God bless
  • CrazyCopt

    the Gospels that were not put in the Bible were omit from it because those Gospels talk about the humanity of Jesus, they talk about Him as a man not a God, that's why they were removed (im not sure where the person asking me the question got this info from)...

    That’s the funniest thing ive ever heard. The apocryphal Gospels were rejected because they were Gnostic mythical works written by pseudo-authors (as opposed to the eye-witness historical and divinely inspired testimony of the apostles), simple as that. It had nothing to do with Christology – many of these works in fact implied Christ’s divinity. Plus, your friend is again mistaken when he says they were “removed”. How can something be “removed” when it was never included in the first place. These false gospels were always recognized as inauthentic books by the early church, they were never included in the canon. Plus, if your friend is a non-believer, then they obviously wont understand the issue of the Holy Spirit’s work within the early church, which was the ultimate authority behind the canonicity of the scriptures.

    so how is the Bible reliable if it was stratigically put together to only talk about Jesus as the Divine God, ignoring His human side

    So lets briefly recap - books were rejected because they were never
    recognised as authoritiative by the early church which was guided by the Holy Spirit - and from an objective perspective, they were rejected because they were mythical works based on gnosticism written by gnostic pseudo-authors who had no connection with the historical Christ, and NOT historical works based on the eye-witness testimony of the true aposltes of Christ who received the Holy Spirit (which the New Testament is).

    Please tell your friend to consult some credible and authoritative scholarship. You will get village skeptics like this who have no idea what they are talking about.
  • lol Iqbal... where were you when i was having the conversation with this

    i told the person to go check his facts and get back to me... cuz i didnt think he was making sense at all...

    anyways thanks for clearing that up...
    you'll hear from me if the person talks about this issue again... ;)

    take care and God bless
  • AvaaAntony,

    One of the tasks is to analyze some questions that are asked in offense against the Bible, and to locate an appropriate answer to these questions.

    The problem is, there is no valid skeptical objection to the Bible's authenticity. All the evidence gives reason FOR the authenticity of the Bible. The reliability of the eye-witness testimony, the historicity of the accounts in general, the reliability of textual transmission which is supported by the manuscript evidence - their number, dating, chronology; their textual integrity - the negligible effect of variant copies, the churhc father attestation, the external testimony of the church etc. etc.

    It's hard to be in a position where you know all the evidence for the authenticity of the bible, to then try and think up stupid questions which are asked to attack the Bible, when such questions can only arise out of ignorance. So sorry, I cant help much further on this one.
  • There is a popular objection ive heard skeptics often use.

    That of Bible contradictions. There's three issues to consider here:

    a) Hermeneutics
    b) Textual criticsm
    c) Historiography

    A) Hermemenutics

    This sounds like a fairly big word - it simply pertains to the science of interpretation. Now, we being of the Orthodox church, recognise the church and traditions as the ultimate authority in interpreting the Bible for us, so the science of hermeneutics is not really a big deal for us. But we will discuss it anyway, for the sake of objectivity.

    Basically, what is relevant to hermeneutics is in determining the most appropriate way to interpret a text. This is obviously relevant to the issue of contradictions, because any alleged contradicitions arising out of bad interpretations, are invalid. When interpreting the books of the Bible: literary, social, historical, cultural, and linguistic context must be taken into account, because obviously, the Bible was written at a different time, in a different language, different society etc etc

    One example of an alleged contradicition for example may be the argument: "The Bible says Jesus was raised on the third day, however if you count from friday afternoon till sunday morning, you dont have 3 days."

    Which contextual factor is being disregarded in this objection? Socio-cultural-historical. Back in 1st century Jewish palestine, the word for a "Day" did not denote a 24 hour period as it does for us today. Any portion of a 24 hour period would be regarded as a day. Therefore, Friday afternoon = Day 1, Saturday = Day 2, Sunday = Day 3.

    B) Textual criticism

    We have to take into account the fact that, the Bible in those days was hand copied by scribes. As such, we have to take into account scribal errors - that is, when a scribe who copying hundreds and hundreds of manuscripts, misplaces a small stroke or dot in the characters of the Hebrew or Greek language, hence turning a number such as 10 000 for example, into 100 000. Most of these scribal errors usually involve the numbers, or even spelling mistakes or name mistakes etc. Therefore, these are not logical contradicitions which go to negate the Bible's authenticity. They're perfectly explainable, and to be reasonably expected type errors, which we can detect easily because of the vast wealth of manuscript evidence which we possess.

    c) Historiography

    We have to remember, that though the Bible is the word of God - this does NOT mean that God wrote the Bible. The Bible was written by men appointed by God - they were God's instruments. Now God didnt possess these men, using their hands to write what He wants- the apostles simply wrote according to their capacity, being guided by God and directed by Him - but not in the sense that He was standing there over their shoulders saying "Write this and that and that, and put a full stop here, and a comma there" etc. Thats not what we believe.

    Therefore, there may be discrepencies with regards to the eye-witness testimony of the Apostles.

    I want you to think of something. Lets assume 2 people walked down the street and they saw a car zoom by at lightning speed. They both just incidently happened to witness this, and they wanted to record down this event. One writer says the car was a blood-type red. The other writer says the car was Maroon. As we can see, from their respective eye-witness perspectives, their is a slight discrepency with regards to the colour of this car. Does this mean their accounts are invalid? Does this mean we should declare the event of this car zooming down at lightning speed, a non-historical event? Certainly not. Similar type discrepencies occur in the Gospels - which are ultimately quite harmonious. This does not negate the events that took place, nor does it negate the authenticity of the Bible as the word of God. In fact, such discrpencies only affirm the authenticity of the Bible, because it proves that there was no collusion between the authors i.e. it proves authentic the fact that these events were witnessed by more than on different author. If the accounts were EXACTLY the same it would suggest one copied off the other, and hence historically speaking the testimony is not as strong.

    Hope that helped.
  • Thank you for your contributions. I agree, the fact that many people nowadays do say that the bible does contradict itself (where we as Christians stand against that). So that is one point we can consider. We can also look at the way people view the story of Creation; whether it is real or a myth. We obviously believe it is real, whereas many other denominations believe it is symbolism used to portray an indirect message. Well these are some more examples. Thanks again for those who contributed. I am still looking for more (not to be troublesome or anything). I still await contributions from many more seeing as you are all bright people. Thanks again in advance.

  • i don't know if this is being ignorant....but at the time, this really shook my world.....the bible being sexist.....and our church agrees with the idea that women are worth less then this true....?

    pray for me
  • i don't know if this is being ignorant....but at the time, this really shook my world.....the bible being sexist.....and our church agrees with the idea that women are worth less then this true....?

    Definitely not true. The Bible does not, nor does the church, degrade women AT ALL. In fact both the Bible and the church praise women – and women were lifted to a much higher status then the socio-cultural norm at the time.

    Again, cultural and historical context comes into play. There are indeed gender issues – many of these are simply a reflection of the patriarchal society in which the Biblical texts developed. But this in no way relates to the “worth” of a woman. Both man and woman were created in the image of God, and this is the greatest attestation to their equal worth.
  • Dear Iqbal
    I need to find out exactly what it is my friend told me...but at the time i got prety was about the church and what they believed on this issue.....i might start a convo on it another day.....

    Dear AvvaAntoni
    with the idea that the bible is sexist...some people argue that this reduces the credibility of the bible ...i don't really know what to tell people who say that ...all i know is that it's kinda like putting christians in a loose-loose situation cuz if the bible was written in the feminine form then it would be the men complaining.....

    also..I was talking with my religion teacher at my school (it's catholic)
    I was trying to prove that homosexuality is wrong according to the bible (I used some verses in Romans) and he was saying that the writer of romans was always in arguements with the disciples of Jesus becuase he had different ideas than what Jesus had and so you have to take that into consideration when you're reading the bible (he was basically sugeseting that not everything in the bible is trustworthy)
    I hope that helps you...

    (if someone can comeup with an answer to this.....that would be really great!)
  • he was saying that the writer of romans was always in arguements with the disciples of Jesus becuase he had different ideas than what Jesus had and so you have to take that into consideration when you're reading the bible (he was basically sugeseting that not everything in the bible is trustworthy)

    That’s simply garbage. What more can one say? Usually skeptics give vague non-answers such as that, without being specific e.g. referring to a specific verse, and the specific disciples that were in disagreement, and discussing what specific issue? They know they have no argument, that’s why.

    The disciples had disputes with regards to missionary work - i.e. how to evangelise the gentiles vs evangelising the Jews, not with regards to doctrinal issues – and that’s because they were mere humans, not Gods. How does this reflect on the trustworthiness of the Bible? It doesn’t, it has nothing to do with it, simple as that. Your teacher is an idiot, plain and simple.

  • always got the idea that he didn't know what he was talking's just that he always says things with such conviction and's intimidating....
    thanks Iqbal
  • Its true...there were many Gospels written the 4 in the Bible today are the four that matched in their fullness. Now with the issue about the reliablity of the Bible. TheBible among many other things is DEPENDABLE: here are a few refrences to show its dependabilty.
      Luke 16:17
        1 Peter 1:24-25
          Psalms 33:11
            Psalm 11:7-8
              Psalm 18:30
                Psalm 119:86, 89
                  2 Corinthians 1:20
                    1 Kings 8:56
                      Mark 13:31

                      The Bible is AUTHORITY
                        II Pete 1:20-21
                          Psalm 33:6,9
                            Psalm 138:2
                              Jn 5:39
                                Matt 7:24-25
                                  Prov 30:5
                                      Jn 12:48-50

                                      The bible is Healing:
                                        Psalm 107:20
                                          Prov 3:1,2
                                            Prov 4:20-22

                                            The list goes on on and on and on.

                                            The Bible is also GUIDANCE.

                                            It teached the Christian how to deal with:
                                                Confuse emotions
                                                    When you fell Blah (sorry that the best word i could find)
                                                                    The list is HUGE.....
                                                                    Now ask the person if the authenticity of the Bible can possible remain in question : ;D
                                                                  • it's just that he always says things with such conviction and's intimidating....

                                                                    He’s nothing. Don’t be intimidated by him, he’s just an ignoramus. Let me tell you a little (long) and true story, about shutting down my English teacher in high school. It was so funny and so ironical. Here it goes:

                                                                    She was teaching us John Donne’s poetry – and the lesson concerned the CONTEXT of his poetry. Anyway, this poetry is religious, and so in discussing the meaning of a certain line, the Bible came into the discussion. She took the opportunity to throw in her 2 cents about the Bible – asserting herself with authority and confidence about how the Bible contradicts itself. I was known to be a very outspoken kind of guy – I got in trouble a lot, especially for being a smart alec to my teachers. So I put her on the spot, and asked her to tell me one contradiction. She laughed at me and said,

                                                                    “ahh there’s hundreds, don’t be ridiculous”.

                                                                    I stood up, and challenged her in front of the whole room:

                                                                    “I dare you to name me ONE contradiction right now. If you’re going to make a claim, back it up miss – Come on im waiting, just ONE contradiction. You said there’s hundreds, I just want ONE, hurry up, im waiting to crush your credibility.”

                                                                    She stopped laughing, she looked a little uncomfortable and said:

                                                                    “I cant name any off the top of my head obviously”

                                                                    – I cracked up, and got a few people laughing with me, and told her that she COPPED OUT, and that OBVIOUSLY she has never seen a contradiction and she is just speaking from hearsay. At this point she got angry, and challenged me saying that if she had a Bible in front of her, she would easily point out a contradiction, she then told me to sit down and to stop distracting the lesson else she would give me a time out (punishment system of the school).

                                                                    Anyways, I didn’t stop. I raised my hand and asked if I could go to the toilet. She allowed me. I actually went to the library and borrowed a bible. I came back with the Bible, dropped it on her desk, and asked her to show me a contradiction. Now she was really mad, and the class was loving it. She brushed the Bible aside, she didn’t even bother opening it. Then she said something along the lines of

                                                                    “'re asking for it....You want a contradiction? Here is one for you!” She pointed out that in the book of Acts it says Jesus was crucified on a tree, whilst in the Gospels it says Jesus was crucified on the cross.

                                                                    Luckily, this was one of the alleged contradictions id heard before. I looked at the blackboard, and I saw her notes that she wrote for the poetry. She had a big heading which read “CONTEXT” It was underlined twice – and under it the different aspects of context. I took the chalk, approached the blackboard and said:

                                                                    “Misssssss…how ironic that we are studying CONTEXT today…OH and I see you’ve underlined it twice…let me just add a few more underlines there for you”

                                                                    I was speaking to her in a very condescending manner as if I was now the teacher, and she was the student. I started reading the aspects of context she had written – historical, social, cultural, literary – but since the Donne’s poetry was written in English, linguistics was not a concern. So I added linguistic context and started explaining:

                                                                    “You see Miss…the New Testament was written in GREEK. In those days miss…the Greek word for cross, was synonymous to that for tree, because the Cross was made from trees you see…….It all comes back to the context miss”

                                                                    At this point I even circled the heading “Context”. Everyone was laughing at her, and she just ended up looking stupid. I got a head teachers time out for disturbing the class, wasting time, and being rude to the teacher. But I got her back, and reported her anti-Christian remarks to the Principal. There’s not much he could do, he simply told her that she could not make any religiously sensitive comments again in the future. I just looked at her and winked and said…”especially if you can’t back it up” to which my Principal responded: “Now that’s enough,,,”

                                                                  • Iqbal

                                                                    You never seem to let me down lol I can't stop laughing from your story. But I feel bad for your teacher or any teacher that had you, you seem like a very intelligent person and I pity the person that challenges you.

                                                                    I had a professor that always put me on the spot because I was the only Christian in the class and he was an atheist. He would always tell me that evolution was more supported by science then creation is by the bible. I can tell many stories about this guy but the end result was after debating with me for a rigorous amount of time he is now reconsidering his position about being an atheist.

                                                                    About the question that was raised about how the bible discredits women, that is not true at all and here is something that I ran across that really drives the point home. It is talking about Adam and Eve:

                                                                    That the woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved. Adam lost a rib, and without any diminution to his strength or comeliness (for, doubtless, the flesh was closed without a scar); but in lieu thereof he had a help meet for him, which abundantly made up his loss: what God takes away from his people he will, one way or other, restore with advantage.

                                                                    Hope that helps

                                                                    In his name
                                                                  • To Iqbal
                                                                    wow! I would never dream of doing that...

                                                                    To Joyisgod
                                                                    that's a really nice way of looking at it....the rib thing...makes us equal.....i like it

                                                                    Pray for me
                                                                    God bless
                                                                  • hey crazycopt, ur friend most likely got his information from the davinci code...cause thats what they said in the book.....a book which is full of garbage. so...yea..just thought u might like to know where he got his silly info from. its completely absurd and unfounded.
                                                                  • thanks for the heads up dany

                                                                    i first heard about the book here on the site... never read it though....

                                                                    ill be sure to ask the person to check his sources next time.... i guess that's no reliable source lol

                                                                    take care and God bless
                                                                  • Joyisgod

                                                                    I can tell many stories about this guy but the end result was after debating with me for a rigorous amount of time he is now reconsidering his position about being an atheist.

                                                                    Well done. I usually don’t like getting into discussions with heteredox about religion. Im more on the defensive, I never start it. Im doing a double degree in university now, one of which is an arts degree - in which im doing more religious type subjects. My Biblical studies professor is actually a Jew and ive already had one encounter with her ;) I do try to stay out of trouble though. She told us at the beginning of the semester that we should avoid using terms like B.C. (Before Christ) and to use terms like B.C.E. (Before Common Era) instead, in order to be “ecumenically sensitive”. I had no trouble with this, for a) we weren’t studying the Bible from any “religious” perspective, but rather an academic one, and b) the class consists of Christians, atheists, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists…you name it, so i thought that was fair enough.

                                                                    Anyway, I simply forgot to say B.C.E during an oral presentation and said B.C., and she decided to interrupt my presentation just to correct me – and I just thought that was quite rude and disrespectful, so I said “oh sorry, I mean Before Christ’s Era…” No one found it funny, but I thought it was pretty good hehe


                                                                    ill be sure to ask the person to check his sources next time....

                                                                    Don’t let him get away with it. I tell you why; people like that have their one-liners against Christianity which they cant properly back up - probably because theyve heard it from their uncles mum's dog's sister's cat's uncle's monkey. Like my teacher with her one-liner on Biblical contradictions. The fact of the matter is, these people are throwing around their one-liners everywhere they go. Some listeners are stupid and take what they say at face value, and adopt it as their own one-liner to chuck around – such that you have this chain reaction, where ignoramuses get duped and start duping their brethren ignoramuses by unsubstantiable one-liners.

                                                                    If you put this person on the spot, and keep digging it in that their comment cannot be properly substantiated by any credibile or authoritative source, then you have crushed their one-liner, and prevented further chain reactions. This may make them think twice about things they might decide to say in the future, or it may lead them to just resort to a another one-liner. Your job is to crush the one-liners, until it finally hits them that they are desparate and their agenda is futile. Amen and Amen.

                                                                  • hahaha, Iqbal, you were a cheeky kid. That must have been the most uncomfortable class for the rest of the year. If you're ever in Montreal, I have a few professors that need a good religious tongue-lashing.

                                                                  • Thanks Iqbal, i'll keep that in mind...

                                                                    The problem is sometimes he gets too theological on me, ranting on about stuff i'm not too sure of... when he starts to say something he takes a reallllllyyyyyyy long time to get the point (i remember a few times our conversation was 2hrs long [all of which occur over MSN]- and he was just getting to the point), at the end i forget what we're talking about... the problem is i have no time to sit and listen to his balbing and talk back because, as i'm sure most of us here can relate, i'm still in school studying, and the univeristy life here doesnt allow for time-wasting...

                                                                    Anyways, should we debate again (which i know we unfortunately will) i'll keep in mind what you said and 'shut him off' before he can make less sense than he already does...

                                                                    take care and God bless
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