Icon of St. Paul in Chains


  • There is so much suffering in this world! It is very difficult to remember to glory in our suffering for righteous; especially when it is Elders or children.
    It gives this Lenten Time even more importance. To defeat evil everywhere!

    God be with Patriarch Antonius, Christ heal him and the Holy Spirit comfort him.
  • the coptic evangelism in north america evangelism group will be praying for him in tomorrow's meeting.
    thank you for reminding us to keep praying, and also for all those who suffer for their faith in eritrea, nigeria and other countries.
  • please note that the article referenced to was NOT from an orthodox source.
    the 'eccumenical canonical orthodox church worldwide' is not in communion with the EO or OO.
    to find officially recognised EO churches in USA, look here:
  • Mabsoota,

    Thank you for always keeping the issue of HH front and center.  :)

    Btw I did not know “ecumenical canonical orthodox church worldwide” is not an Orthodox Church. I checked their website and it looks phony -  http://www.ecumenicalcanonicalorthodoxchurch.com/index.html Do you know about their history and how they are not in communion either with EO or OO?

    What is the difference between Autocephalous Churches & Autonomous Churches?

    In Christ
  • i did a load of research yesterday, but no time to speak about it here this week as i have stuff to do.
    also i used to know the difference between autocephalous and autonomous but i forgot.
    brain too small for what i ask of it!
    maybe someone else can help!

    but that church is definitely not orthodox.
    i found a website listing all the non orthodox 'orthodox' churches, but i was unable to get enough good evidence that the webmasters were orthodox themselves, so i was unable to recommend it. there are loads of phony groups out there. we need to be innocent as doves and wise as serpents.
  • Autocephalous means that a Church is 'self-headed', so it is a separate local Orthodox Church.

    Autonomous means that a Church is 'self-ruled', so it has authority over its own affairs but is still in a relationship with some other, larger Church and will probably participate in its major Synod.

    This group is not Orthodox for a variety of reasons.
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