Mission trip prayers!!

edited December 1969 in Prayer Requests
so a group of people is going on a mission trip from my church and our servants split us into groups of 3-4 for a specific function and mine is prayers so for a week and i half im gonna be praying a couple times a day and i really dont have anything to say or pray..so can some1 donate a prayer pleassse?


  • mmm, the agpeya?!

    seriously, pray from the agpeya first, then you can add your own prayers like, 'thank you, oh God that you have given us such a beautiful message to take to the world, please take care of x and x who are serving you in x town on the mission trip'. then pray for any specific things, like for God to help people in the team to work well together, for their health etc etc.
    once you run out of things to say, pray more from the agpeya.
    eg. if it is mid afternoon, you could pray the 9th hour prayers, and after you prayed the prayers for whatever time of day it is, pray the next set of prayers and psalms if you still have time.

    so far, i have never started praying from the agpeya and run out of things to pray!
    but it would be great to see what other prayers people put here.

    and may God bless you and your friends on the mission trip, and pray for me too, a sinner.
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