To be honest, I am trying to work on my salvation and that of my family. I realized that it is a waste to have vain and petty disputes with children who only like to hear themselves talk and couldn't take advice if they were paid, in fact many of the people on here were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Hopefully at least my writings, and those of the other authors, will be able to speak to those who want to hear. Otherwise its not so much M.I.A. as it is, I have better things to do with my time.
With all sincerity, I would like to apologize for my petty arguments and disputes. I'm pretty sure I wasn't born with a silver spoon. I don't think I like to hear myself talk and I would gladly take your advise if you paid me. But I have not kept an open mind with you in the past. While I don't agree with some things you write, I do believe that you are a very valuable contributor here. You also have a great talent in rhetoric and debating. I hope you continue to contribute here because your contributions do make a difference. Good luck with your website.
I contribute nothing to this site. What is really sad, most of the things I say or from the church fathers. Nobody seems to know that either I am quoting them directly or taking from what they have said, I am then being condemned for saying them. Shows just how little people know about what they claim to believe.
Good for you man. Just out of curiosity - do you have an editor?
I had an editor, but she is very busy with her work. So we have a peer-review-type system in which we review and edit each other's work.
With all sincerity, I would like to apologize for my petty arguments and disputes. I'm pretty sure I wasn't born with a silver spoon. I don't think I like to hear myself talk and I would gladly take your advise if you paid me. But I have not kept an open mind with you in the past. While I don't agree with some things you write, I do believe that you are a very valuable contributor here. You also have a great talent in rhetoric and debating. I hope you continue to contribute here because your contributions do make a difference. Good luck with your website.