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Pray for my week soul † † †
i can translate if any one wants it
Did you read it any where??
What is the end of the story??
here it is...
Confessions of the Devil
In that night, and after the end of the vespers, and after the priest was tired of listening to the confessions and the different sins, he went home, and after he ate dinner, he went to pray and sleep. But, in his room, he found a guest that wasn't wanted, the priest cried out loud and was about to make the sign of the cross, but that guest said: DON'T, I am going to be burned if u do that, for I am the devil. The priest surprised said: It can't be you. He said: It is me. The priest said: What do u need? The devil answered calmly: I have decided to repent and sell my weapon. The priest laughing said: How do u want to repent? That can't be. The devil said: ok don't worry about that now. The important thing is that you collect donations from the congregation so u can buy the sins from me, so I won't get people to sin, so they can be close to God and they gain the kingdom of Heaven. For that is what u live for. Isn't that it?
The priest said: What are u going to sell? and for how much?
The devil sadely said for he was going to give up his weapon: I am going to sell the sins of the tongues, from cursing to lying to swearing, to gossip, and all of that for a million dollars. And I am going to sell the anger, the stealing and the murder for 2 million dollars. And I am going to sell the sins of lust and the bad thoughts with 3 million dollars. And the devil kept on saying all the sins that says all about his powerful weapons. The priset accepted and he didn't bargain for the money, and he was relieved and thought that the sins of the world ended. But the devil said: I am only going to keep one weapon for myself. The priset was mad and said that wasn't what we agreed on u cheater. The devil answered: I can't give up that weapon, it's my only hope. The priest asked in curiosity: What is it? The devil answered with confidence: the laziness. The priest asked: Is that ur most powerful weapon? The devil proudly answered: Of course, for laziness is the only weapon that doesn't fail."So when I tell a youth that confession isn't important, he answers me with these powerful verses but when I tell him that confession is important but not now, you can confes after the exams, when there is time." The youth gets convinced, and support me in my words, and when the exams end and the vacation comes, I would have planned him a nice trip, then I make him busy in the computer and the internet, so he can put the confession for later.
wowiee.. thanks a bunch Marianne,
geez what an eye-opener!
i'm not sure how you had the patience to read all that and translate it, i know i wouldnt be able to do it lol.
Jesus servant, thanks for posting it for us!!
i guess we should learn that laziness is a secret weapon that we all fall into (i can totally agree i am a total victim to that! lol)
take care and God bless
Hope it's the right translation thou
funny though, i must be the laziest person in the world ::) ;D
thats a killer
great translation !!!
arabic looks so stringy and nice, o how i wish i wasnt iliderate. im such a bafoon