Hi All,
I always wonder about something, & I always have this question in my mind.
How did Cantor Mikhael El batanoony memorise all the hymns of the church while he was a blind man & by the age of only 19?????? Don't you think that this is a type of a miracle or something? I mean I can understand that some people can memorise hymns easily, but how can a 19 year old guy memorise all these hymns?? according to what Cantor Tawfik say in his interview, he says that Cantor Mikhael used to know many other hymns that are not available nowadays becuase he didn't have the time to teach therm to his students & he said that one of these hymns is the long alleluia introduction to the annual psalm 150 of distribution. mmm.................Just wondering that's all, what do you think?
Is it true he only listened to the hymn once before he memorized it?
many stories confirm that but not all the time.
God has made the human mind a wonderful thing that we usually fill with rubbish and struggle to occupy with spiritual things. What a great grace and gift it must have been to so many cantors to have opened their minds to the recollection of the hymns of the Church.
But monks also would memorise all the psalms, and much of the Scriptures. The Fathers often quote passages from memory.
I do wonder, and we have discussed this elsewhere, how much blessing would be ours if we memorised more. And perhaps how much easier it would be to remember things if we were in the habit of remembering things.
Are you done with St. Mark, John, and Romans? I don't think that's fair :P
Just when I think I have it memorized, I forget it.