Coptic Youth Group

edited December 1969 in Youth Corner
Hey! Our church is starting a coptic youth group on campus and but there doesn't seem to be a committment from our youth. So i need suggestions: How to get the youth interested in contributing?? I tried almost everything!!

Also, we'll be giving out pamphlets to students at the info center... what should we include?

Any other suggestions?

God Bless.


  • make there an outing or play games or something get them interested and then do like lessons. Make it fun, like yeh, cya
  • I tried almost everything!!

    Can you explain what you meant by "everything"?

    It will prevent your response of "I tried that already" every time someone suggests an idea.

    As for the pamphlets, you'll need to incorporate the focus of the group, the benefit for joining, place to meet, how to sign up, and deadlines. The front side of your pamphlet should have the name of the group (you'll need to come up with something more creative than Coptic Youth Group, I think), a catchy phrase, possibly a verse from the Bible, and an interesting picture-- preferably a Coptic one.

    You might also want to add that you'll be providing snacks and drinks. It's an old trick that gets the youth to join stuff.

    Whatever you do, DON'T turn it into a Protestant group.

    If you plan on singing hymns during the meetings, choose them wisely. has a good selections of hymns (Mina still has to do some editing though).

    It's best if you made it a "prayer group", instead of a "Bible study" group. My reason being is that most college students "don't have time" (aka forget) to pray... (Btw I'm in no way saying that this should REPLACE anyone's personal prayers, but rather ADDED to it). Also, group prayers are more powerful than individual prayers. The problem I see with having a Bible study group is that:
    1. there is no wise or older mentor to watch over in case someone teaches wrong doctrine
    2. Only Protestants interpret the Bible in their own way. Unless you print out lessons from suscopts or another trusted site, you will be doing JUST LIKE THE PROTESTANTS
    3. No one wants to go to Sunday School during the week. The reason most youth aren't encouraged to join is bc they probably have the idea that will be a Bible lesson.

    Remember, there are already TONS of "Protestant"/"Christian"/"Bible Study" groups at your University. Make sure your group STANDS OUT.

    Along with the prayer idea, I also suggest having hymn class. If there is a well educated deacon amongst you, why not have him teach (something for lent) every once in a while?

    This group should also be a service group. I highly highly highly highly highly recommend it. Highly.

    You can set dates to clean the church, plan fundraisers, make appointments to visit the Hospital, set up kitchen soups..etc.

    Service in church should not be forgotten. If you look back at "The Greatest Hits of ILSM", he clearly lays out all the work that needs to get done:

    1.  Take those tonias in the closet, that the deacons throw on the floor, wash them, fix them with sewing, iron them and hang them.
    [Repeat every week].
    2.  Clean that censer, every week, and revere it for the amazing symbolism that is in it.
    3.  Clean the cruets of the water and wine so that there are no impurities as they are presented for the sacrifice.
    4.  Vacuum the altar and realize that is the House of God and it should be clean.
    5.  Shampoo the carpets of the Church
    6.  Wash the crystal on the chandeliers.
    7.  Organize all the books at the lectern
    8.  Place all of the Bible books in an organized and level place, because it is the Word of God.
    9.  Peel, and clean the wax from all of the rugs and veils.
    10.  Take the stupid plastic cover off the altar and devote yourself to clean linens for the altar every 2-4 weeks.
    11.  Teach the kids and the adults not to touch the altar or make it a bookcase for their 1000 books during the Liturgy.
    12.  Polish the candlesticks every 2-4 weeks.
    13.  Take the priest's vestments to the cleaners and repair them.
    14.  Rotate the priest's vestments every week so that his appearance is always with dignity before God and God's People.
    15.  Teach the kids how to put their vestments on and how to take them off and fold them.
    16.  When you teach the kids about serving in the Sanctuary rather than saying:  "serving inside"
    17.  When you say to the kids we are going to "vest", and not "let's get dressed".
    18.  When you know the name and rank of all those around you.
    19.  Organize the veils and vessels of the altar so that the vessels do not tarnish from non-use.
    20.  Paint the walls that have been destroyed by smudges and wear.
    21.  Clean the bathrooms of the church
    22.  Take out the garbage
    23.  Do the gardening, organize the gardening, so that the church will be a good sight for those that go by
    24.  Shovel the snow and ice (or sand where applicable) so that people's entry to the church may be safe.
    29. Wash the towels of the altar in a separate receptacle

    Dealing with the people:

    1.  Become a member of the Ladies' Committee, to be a physical help to their activities (e.g., moving tables, supplies, etc.)
    2.  A model and example
    3.  Print the newsletter
    4. Help put together the newsletter
    5.  Help with fundraising activities
    6.  Let the priest know of the needs of the people,10589.msg128996.html#msg128996

    I'll post more if I come up with anything else.
  • Find all those people who have needs and pray for them as a ministry of the youth. Regularly and earnestly.
  • Free food - that always works.
  • We are Egyptian. Obviously free food works.
  • Wow... I didn't realize so many people replied! I didn't get the notifications. Thx for your suggestions... they're great! Here's the plan:
    -community service
    -campus awareness
    -hymns lessons
    -coptic lessons
    -prayer meetings

    As TITL mentioned, Bible study would be difficult and unneccessary because we already have it in church.

    Any suggestions on how to get more people involved??
  • yeah, have a priest or deacon visiting from time to time so you can have Bible study.
  • Where is this?
    If you can invite guest speakers or even the bishop of your diocese, that would be awesome.
    God bless, Pay for me,
  • FOOD!!! lol we have the same problems with most of our universities here in Sydney too... It is because all the organisers have graduated over the years and some passed down the job, some haven't and even if they have, students became less and less interested over the years.. but I'm not sure if it's getting better or not.

    The main thing Abouna Matthew (the Priest that organises ALL the Coptic Societies in all the universities Diocese-wide - so including interstate universities such as in Queensland, Orange, Wagga Wagga etc.) tells us to do is:

    1. PRAY for the meeting
    2. Have a set time every week but find out when students are mainly free
    3. Have the meeting even if nobody shows up! This doesn't happen too often but some meetings have about 2-3 people show up a lot of the times. Other times it's like 20 or 30... depends on the time, place and the event.
    4. FOOD plays a massive role, but you have to advertise well. We usually have BBQs after the fasts. Also bring lollies and "cool stuff" to every meeting!
    5. Try to make sure at least 2 students come every week and try to make them bring other Coptic or even just Orthodox friends
    6. Invite guest speakers such as priests or bishops, most of the time, but make sure it's not embarrassing for the speaker to find only 5 students lol
    7. Liturgy on campus! Abouna tries to have one in almost every uni at least once a year or once a semester.
    8. Give the meeting a name (hint: FOCUS) :)
    9. If you have an excess of students and everyone's got crazy timetables you can have the weekly meetings on alternative days e.g. Monday on the first week and tuesday on the next and so on.

    Please visit the FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christian University Students) group on Facebook to have a look at our previous events and upcoming events and have a look at our awesome photos, merchandise, logo and stalls:

    Father Matt has a dream of uniting FOCUS to a worldwide level... I'm not sure if any of you know about this, but there is a proposed convention in Honolulu for 2012 in mid year. I know he got the approval from the Bishops and priests who are associated with the Coptic Societies in the US. He also contacted a lot of the countries in Europe about this - as far as I know and remember. Not sure what's going on with this tho.

    I have a lot of experience with FOCUS, if you have any more suggestions please ask!

    Also regarding the types of things you guys do in meetings is quite different to what we do. lol

    Our meetings in general could consist of a short prayer, short bible study done every week, a guest speaker at times or just social coffee after bible study. Meetings usually run for not more than an hour because students usually have class before or after.

    Other activities are done outside the weekly meeting can range from ice skating, meeting for coffee outside of uni, BBQs etc etc.

    Many times we also have combined FOCUS events with all the universities such as cruises near the harbour bridge, trips to St. Shenouda monastery in Putty, end of year outing to the beach etc.

    As for Hymns lessons, and Coptic lessons? Never heard of any such Coptic society meeting consisting of these!

    Let me know if I was of any help!

  • We even had 2 universities hold a mini Pascha service last year!

    Now that I look back at FOCUS last year, we've done better than I thought. Good times :)
  • ohhh... is that what focus stands for... i saw that section on it in the Manarah (dont know its spelling) newspaper or i dont know if thats its name but the big newspaper in church that is handed out monthly... yeh it had i think somthing on focus there where there were people I think from Syd uni that had a stall and stuff... yeh is that it??? hmm well anyway... hope it goes good cya
  • Yeh it is! I went to that, I didn't know it was in the Manara... it was an awesome day - got so much free stuff, from other stalls of course  ;D
  • were u one of the organisers coz they also had a pic of a couple of peopel i remember one was monica N. (dont wanna say full name on net u know) i think her name Monica... hmmm... i know her sis... yeh she also wrote the article soo yeh cya
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