
edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
hi people,

i was just wondering how did the people in the early parts of the old testament live for hundreds of years. the only one i could explain is simon who died when he held baby jesus.


  • good question lol, i was always wondering how it was possible, and after some thinking i actually came to the following conclusions:

    people only lived such a long time untill the time of Noach; the time where people used to vegetal food only; no meat.
    also, at the time there wasn't much polution as now for instance, and therefore there were less diseases; all conditions in which a person is able to maintain his health
    it's still strange though because scientifacally speaking after a time, the cells get older and stops splitting, so gradually the body gets older and in the end it dies, but God intended it to be that way so that people would be able to multiply

    i actually read an article that said that the intended years weren't really years but months, i don't know if we should agree with this though, i don't know, it depends on the ancient txt, if somebody could clarify plz :)
  • another interesting point I heard by abouna tadros yacoub, was the age started to decline, by the loss of the touch of God... so the people who came first were close to God, and died much older, and it kept to decline...

    but I agree on the point that when the meat started to be eaten, man became unhealthier, so they died at a younger age....
  • I don't know where I heard this one, but I think it was in sunday school. I was once told that God kinda put a cap on people's lives at 120 (which is the time it took to build the ship for Noah). NOt quiet sure, but figured I would add my 2 cents
  • I dont want to shoot down down that statement but there has been a person in the guiness book of world records to live for 123.
  • i was just wondering how did the people in the early parts of the old testament live for hundreds of years

    The reason for disease,death and other maladies that inflict the human race is because SIN entered the world through Adams trangression.The Bible teaches that the entire Cosmos was affected and in need of redemptive healing and restoration.The people lived longer in the olden days because sin and its after effects,its hideous byproducts,had not polluted the human race to such an extent as we now suffer in these last days.As the years passed and man became more and more infected with sin,disease,etc; life spans began to shorten,diseases became more rampant and produced deadlier and deadlier results.Our imune systems,etc. have become weaker,our genes not as pure and undiluted,physical weakness and infirmities being passed on generation after generation with the result that in general the entire human race is genetically inferior, much weaker in every way compared to earlier humanity.The same can be said for nature in general.Animals,plants,etc have also felt the effects and sting of sin.

    Modern technology and science has tried to successfully combat these processes of sin,aging,disease,etc and to a certain extent have improved the quality of human life,allowing life spans to rise once again and improving health in general but human invention is only a temporary solution.God through His Son Jesus Christ has redeemed the world reconciling all things unto Himself,the entire Cosmos.Healing and restoration has already begun to take place because of the Death and Resurrection of His dear Son Jesus Christ and will be totally,permanantly consumated in the age to come,beginning with the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ. :)
  • they lived a lot longer because of what they ate, veggies. they didnt kill back then for meat, so they had very very minimal health problems.
    as well, they were 'good' people, thus had favour in the eyes of God, so He blessed them with prosporus long lives.

    in Genisis chapter 6, it shows how God judges man and man's wickedness. violence and lust were becoming a big sin (as it shows in verse 2) and God wasnt happy, so he cut down their lifespan to 120 yrs "and the Lord said 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be 120 years." - Genisis 6:3
    which is why it the life span got cut so much so quickly... now as centuries pass, people's eating habits have worsened, and due to unhealthy eating man lived less and less....
    and of course, we manage to bring diseases to oursleves, which again is the reason man isnt living as long

  • After Noah's flood God sed that people wont live long...
  • they didnt kill back then for meat

    They killed animals for meat from the very beginning.Nimrod was a hunter{in the original language this word hunter also implied that Nimrod hunted men as well as the game of the field}. God made animals for man's benefit ,to be used as clothing,food etc.

    and of course, we manage to bring diseases to oursleves,

    There was no such thing as disease until sin entered the world.

    The Bible says that because of one man{Adam}sin entered the world and passed on to all men.All men are sinners.Sin corrupts,kills and destroys.It not only affects the spiritual state of man but wreaks havoc on the soulish nature{carnal mind}and our physical bodies as well.Sin is like a virus that infects the human being,once it begins its deadly work decay and gangrene of the soul begin to eat away the very foundations of our life affecting the whole corporal nature of our being.Our Spirit is affected,our mind is affected, and our body is affected.There is only one cure--the Blood of Christ!

  • the numbers are not literal but they stand for how important that person was, like if their 500 they were wise or well kown.
  • he numbers are not literal but

    The numbers are literal! If the Bible says the man was 500 years old,etc,then thats how old he was.The Word of God doesnt lie.Dont let your unbelief get in the way!
  • no its not my unbelief its wat i read in an explanation and the bible is not always ment to be taken literaly and in the bible it does say that no man shall live beyond 120.
  • its not my unbelief its wat i read in an explanation and the bible is not always ment to be taken literaly and in the bible it does say that no man shall live beyond 120.

    The 120 number came after the flood! If you dont believe the numbers should be taken literally why do you take at face value the number 120?Maybe that one isnt literal ;D
  • u got me there lol i dont know maybe someone more educated can answer the question, iv been beaten ;)
  • "So all the days of Noah were nine hundered and fifty years; and he died." Gen. 9:28
  • yes servant of jesus wev established the fact of wat the bible says, were discussing its literal just jokin i love u, but do u think its literal i thought it wasnt...
  • lol..yes no lie..he lived that long..not sure why but they did eat animals because it says, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs." Gen. 9:3
  • ya also back in the old testament the earth was more fresh and less polution and the people back than were more fit and not as lazy as they are now plus God actually allowed the people to live that long
  • :)

    plus God actually allowed the people to live that long

    Thats the key to their longevity.God allowed them to live that long! Great answer! You have a great ;D....You aint called thebrain for nothing! ;)
  • i agree w thebrain too but still, some people were said to have lived only 50 yrs or 80
    thats a big difference btween 500 or900
    y did some die so young? and the Bible never mentioned murder, just natural causes...

    thats y im still hoked on my original theory, and i did read it somewhere, that the number speaks for the person's im stubborn
  • thanx 4 the replies everybody! with the theory that the people back then only ate veges i think is a bit out of place. thousands, if not millions of people nowadays are vegan (no animal products). why don't they live for ages.
  • I completly agree with you whizz. Also, I don't think we should take it by the literal meaning. A second to God is like a million years to us. Therefore we can't really comprehend what the definite age was. If it were the true age though, it is because God wanted them to live that long. It's that simple. The world now differs from what it is today and everything happens for a reason. Why do you think people don't reproduce as much as they did back then? Everything happens for a reason and we must let it be, because our minds cannot always understand what God has chosen.

  • Of course those numbers are not literal. No one has touched on the fact that the Bible does not identify contemporaries relative to overlap of generations and persons. If they lived that long, maybe Seth talked to Noah? and any list of combinations. This also would be difficult to reckon to the Jewish Calendar, which identifies the entire creation to be 5766 as of October 3rd 2004.

    The Scripture identifies a sequence of generations and people. At no time does it identify dialogues or timelines that overlap, despite the proximity and locales, etc. Let's not ignore the obvious.

    All of the issues relative to diet, disease, and the relationship to God are absolutely correct in their effects.

    The Scripture is very exact and literal in certain places, interpretative in other places, relative and symbolic in others. The Orthodox Church is not literal in Its interpretation of the the Holy Scriptures. It takes the Scriptures as a whole and uses the different points to achieve Its Dogmas and Doctrines.
  • :)

    Yes the numbers are literal...Why would you be surprised that God allows the first human beings to live to such a great age.Adam would have lived forever if he hadnt sinned.Its bad when people doubt Gods word thinking they know more than God or are able to be the judge of whats literal and what is not.Thats just doubt nothing more.Many of the early church fathers also believed in a literal interpretation of the Genesis account.

    If they lived that long, maybe Seth talked to Noah

    Why not?
  • jf,

    there are no representations to that effect. there are plenty of citations of meetings between people and the like. why in particular to major figures is there no overlap?

    it is not doubt on my part. God grants many things to an extent beyond our thoughts and ability to understand.

  • there are plenty of citations of meetings between people and the like.

    Actually the biblical record is pretty scant at best.It only presents the bare minimum of information needed.Just because the Bible doesnt mention something i.e. encounters,persons,etc. does not mean they are not important or that such meetings or people did not exist. ;) We need to use caution when examining evidence from the Holy Scriptures and not jump to conclusions based on modern day scientific theories,etc. :D
  • u state a good point Jfk, and i see the point about the whole take it word for word, i think they lived that long because God wanted them to live that long, lets just leave it at that! GOD HAS POWER BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING WE ARE LIMMTED IN SO MANY WAYS, LETS NOT MESS WITH GOD! WE WONT UNDERSTAND BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO UNDERSTAND!

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