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  • The classes currently take place at the Retreat Center in Florida.  Here is a link with more information about the Center:
  • Greetings, I do not mean to confuse the issue but I am wondering if someone would be able to explain His Grace Bishop Youssef's answer to this question: Question: Is St. Mary's body and spirit in Heaven or Paradise? Answer: St. Mary is in Paradis…
  • Greetings All, In my experience, EO have come to the Coptic Church through Chrismation only and not baptism. Also, I looked at the website of the Southern Diocese of the United States where His Grace Bishop Youssef has a question and answer sectio…
  • For the student loans you have from the US government, you may qualify for the Public Loan Forgiveness Program.  Under this program if you have a qualifying job after 120 payments the remainder of your loans will be dismissed.  I am not sure how i…
  • You can find more information about Abune Antonios at the following links:
  • I realize that Ioannes may have been a little sarcastic in some of his posts and I may have worded some things differently.  However, I do support his viewpoint that it is very difficult for a convert to fit in to an ethnic Church, I say it like thi…
  • Greetings, Yes, the monastery does have a website.  Here is the link: They are still working hard on growing the service there but I know they have retreats.  For more information you should probably contact Deaco…
  • Greetings, Here is a link to that book: God bless, emiles
  • Greetings Jon, May God bless you on your journey. As a person who has converted, I would like to answer your question. You probably do not even need to say you want to convert, you can contact the local priest and tell him you are interested in …
    in Conversion Comment by emiles June 2006
  • Greetings MikeforJesus, I also do not find it an annoying post. I had a similar situation; however, my e-mail was reflective of a business I was in that did not work out for me. I maintained the e-mail, but found a different meaning for the acron…
  • Greetings, Iqbal I agree with you that we are protecting the one True Faith. I was trying to say, probably poorly, that at the time of the Schism a Coptic Orthodox would say what you said; however, a Greek Orthodox would say the same thing. I am …
  • Greetings, Dear Conqueror - your question seems to presuppose that Eastern Orthodoxy is correct and if we were excommunicated from them, then we must not be orthodox. However, I do not think this is a proper reading of the situation. As others ha…
  • Greetings, I have not been able to find the entire Bible, but here is a link to the NKJV - New Testament. Sorry I don't have more. God bless, emiles
  • Greetings All, Actually it is not completely accurate to say the Jews did not believe in Jesus. Many, many Jews believed in Jesus, for example, St. Mary, St. Mark, St. Peter and many of the original followers of Jesus were Jews. Regarding other i…
    in Jews? Comment by emiles July 2005