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  • Hi @Ruth_62! No priest will reject a person desiring to join the church, neither will anyone ban someone from getting married if they are orthodox. Even if they do not believe it is for your best. However, there is a heavy importance in spiritual…
  • Terminology is always a difficult thing and for this reason there is a creed. When it comes to the person of Jesus Christ, the creed teaches us: ‘He was incarnate and became man’. In the end, in his book the Divinity of Christ, HH Pope Shenouda cl…
  • I have always wondered if it’s intentional that most books don’t write “May their holy blessings” but rather “May their holy blessing”. Singular. In a sense almost resonating that the blessing, regardless of who it is we refer to, is Christ/the work…
  • Eliminating microphones, eliminates spectating, increases full chorus participation, and indirectly encourages people to sing as their voice blends in and is unrecognized. Most times I see congregations lacking participation is when the microphone i…
  • The Baramous is the only one I know of that is strict. But I don’t know all the other ones in Egypt all that well enough. I know many are not that strict about it. In the US, I know for a fact that neither are strict about age and both monasteries…
  • Most monasteries that I know of (US and egypt) do not enforce an upper age limit (except for the baramous of 30years old ). But approval of father of confession and circumstances as Mina pointed out are essential in the decision making.
  • Isn’t the official recognized reference HICS? Regardless of personal opinion or preferences, I was always under the impression they are the reference established by the church.
  • @menneeryacoub how's this for a different perspective: + 1st Hour - when you wake up+ 3rd Hour - Before lunch+ 6th Hour - During/After lunch+ 9th Hour - Before Dinner+ 11th Hour - During/After Dinner+ 12th Hour - Before Sleep+ Midnight - Middle of …
  • Dear Ricci, in the orthodox faith, Baptism is a sacrament that allows us to unite to the Lord. All major sacraments in our church have something to do with forgiveness of sins. Our creed indeed does say: And in one holy, catholic and apostolic chu…
  • Dear Ricci, You can also find the book of hours - also known as the agpeya. Monks are typically required, with the guidance of their father of confession, to pray the entirety of it each day - it is mainly a prayer book based on the psalms and some…
  • @Kyrillos97, Nice attempt at the parallel, but I think your story is so excessively flawed, failing to capture the entire picture.  First, it is the judge Himself who sacrifices Himself. The word son, as others alluded, is not as we understand it. S…
  • If I understand correctly the NRSV and most texts you read is based on Masoretic texts. This means it is translate from the Hebrews manuscript. Around 250BC, Ptolemy II Philadelpius requested to translate the OT into Greek. 72 Jewish scholars were c…
  • That is fair. HH recommendation is definitely true and accurate, but this does not apply for extraneous and exceptional circumstances as is the current times.  Look at it from another perspective. The sacrament of confession is a sacrament that has …
  • Not sure what you mean, the question is about confession during extrenuous circumstances. Not sure if the comment was meant to sarcastically respond to my response. But my response is a response representing the voice of several fathers I know and b…
  • The priest prays it out loud over the phone ;)
  • During extraneous circumstances, your father of confession may allow phone/video call confession. I do so with my father of confession for example. I am aware of bishops who have allowed this in their Diocese.
  • @ophadece, Then I don’t get your logic :) If He Himself, who is the true temple of God. He who is the Body of God - In human flesh can be ill. How is the church more powerful? I think I may just be incapable of following your logic but I can tell y…
  • When Christ was in the world, was he susceptible to human sickness and diseases? (honest question) because the answer determines whether faith has anything to do with us getting sick or not. And in this case, if the answer is Christ would've been ju…
  • @ophadece, initially I echoed your statements but eventually I started to believe the following. There’s a difference between dying in your church while defending your faith vs. dying in your church unwilling murdering others who may not necessaril…
  • I would rather marry someone I believe is Gods choice for me. Not my ultimate choice for myself. And your meditation is nice, but you have the order wrong. It is first the priest who places the ring on the finger and you confirm by pushing in. God…
  • @Zoxasi, You’re questions are good and fair but some statement are, in my opinion, belittling God. Did not God fashion our parents in our lives? Did he not ask us honour them? Was it not unconditional? There was no statement of it having to make sen…
  • You are correct Zoxasi. Marriage in the end is not a blessing, not a contract, not an agreement. It is a mystical union, a covenant made between God and man. The man must understand this covenant. Secular marriages are more of a contractual agreemen…
  • This article brings valid points on gambling and the like.
  • If your goal is money, only you can be the judge of yourself. Is there no level of risk even if well studied? If you are doing it just for the money and finding that this feeds a root of love of money, it is better to abstain. The sin of love of m…
  • @mcc123, The definition of gambling is the following: - take risky action in the hope of a desired result. If your sole goal is a desired result of increased money and the investment includes risk, this is defined as gambling. If you invest with…
  • God bless you CopticSoldier! May God bless your studies and endeavors to live an honest and just life. Your quotes indeed are great. I'd love to hear your honest interpretations and applications of your quotes. I am unsure if its patristic to say it…
  • Interesting point of view Coptic Soldier. Curious to see your thoughts expanded. How does one define a line between what can be owned and what not? If a person has 750 million dollars, should he give 749 million of his earnings and live off of 100…
  • Greetings @3FoldPrinciple! May God bless your zeal and quest for truth. I hope you find the answers you desire. I do, however, believe you started your assumption on the wrong note. What is the Church? The Church is the Body of Christ. What i…