i pray all the time to our lord jesus christ through the intercissions of pope kerolioss blessed virgin mary and emba mussa and it seems that the lord is not listeing to my prayer i pray for a certin prayer all the time and it is so important to me for the lord to bring someone into my life again but it seems like he is not listeing it is so painfull what should i do any advice please thank you all gbu
You will find peace and blessing if you are able to turn this situation over to God. Ask him to give you the grace to be able to follow his plan for your life. Even if you do not feel you can bear anything other than your own will, nevertheless pray,
'Lord you know I am unable to desire anything other than my own will in this matter, but I pray you to help me in my inability to pray as you would wish. Give me the desire to pray for your will, whatever it might be, and have mercy on me while I am unable to see any other answer than the one which is always on my mind.'
Also pray repeatedly, 'Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me', especially when you cannot pray anything else. The Lord who loves you will have mercy on you and will grant you all that you truly need, and will bless you more than you can imagine. Try to avoid praying for that which is most important to you, since you are not giving God space to bless you. Indeed each day seek those things as you pray in the evening for which you can and should give thanks to God. He is already blessing you, indeed he has never ceased blessing you.
May God bless you and keep you
Father Peter