As many of you know, Oprah has started to make her own "religion" that is TOTALLY against the church... i know alot of people look up to her for Guidence because she does alot of good things on her show but she is also drawing people to this WRONG religion...let us pray for all these people so that they can return to God

Rabennna Yoster,
Pray for my weakness,
Coptic Youth
Thanks alot for showing us Oprah denying the Historical Jesus Christ! This has been a combination of false scholars like the "Jesus Seminar", New Age heresy and people's indifference to the Gospel! There's a "trendency" of reducing Christ to an "energy" or a "consciousness", an impersonal concept so that way people can do what they want and still feel "spiritual". This is a new gnosticism about "secret teachings" which are "spiritual" and amoral (no morals). This is an old gnostic "trendency" which dissassociates the body from the spirit! To them the body is a prison which hold the spirit captive. You can do whatever you want with your body (sin alot) but your spirit is what you keep pure.
This goes against our Orthodox Incarnational theology which takes Jesus Christ as our model for a WHOLISTIC view of salvation. Christ becoming man is central to Christianity. His Resurrection shows that the body AND the spirit are to experience salvation! He asked St. Thomas to touch his wounds (John 20:24-29) and ate fish with them to show He wasn't a ghost (John 21:1-15)! Once we make things only "spiritual' and not Incarnational, then anybody can sound like a legit guru and make money!