Imposter Pope

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
I've heard some stories about some man calling himself the New Pope of the Coptic Church. Its been troubling me for a long time since i heard of this. Its a sad situation. Can anyone tell me what's going on? what the news is exactly? I hear that his main parish is apparently in Muqattam. This is a Coptic orthodox Monastery; how could he be given a Church there?? How did he end up with anything there?? How could Christian Copts be so stupid to end up as part of his congregation???

I attended a lecture once where they were discussing the martyrs of the Coptic Church during the reign of emporor Diocletion. The man speaking said :" ... the suffering of the Church was nothing compared to what was to follow during the schisms of the Church after Saint Constantine". I tend to see his point. I think the Coptic Church has suffered enormously throughout the ages, but it has always been united. This is a gross and disgusting attempt from the devil to attack us from within. And at a time when His Holiness is not feeling well.. How low of this man!!!!

I go to a catholic church once in a while, but whenever i tell them that i'm Coptic Orthodox, they're so amazed, and seem to welcome me more. Its a priviledge to the Coptic Orthodox. The Coptic Church is unique unlike any other Christian denomination. We're respected the world over for our zealousness in keeping the apostolic faith and spiritual traditions.

Our Pontiff is the See of Saint Mark; you can't get better than that!! How can some moron come along and ordain himself as a Pope; who the heck ordained him anyway? Mikey Mouse??
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