tov hina long

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
hay every 1 i jst wanted 2 ask where i can find the text for tov hina long i cacnt seem 2 find it anywere no matter where i look and mi friend is tryin 2 learn it and i told him i will try and get it for him and i really cant find it itz the onli hymn i cant find so if any 1 can help me it would b much apriciated


  • Is there a difference between long and short Tov hina cause i have the text for the short but i dunno about the long.....


  • Twbh hina `nte F5 nai nan: `nte42enh3t qaron: `nte4-cwtem `eron: `nte4erbo`30in `eron: `nte4ger piracmoc niben `ebol haron: `nte4xa nennah5 e4m3n `ebol.
    Qen ni5ho nem ni`procevx3 `nte peniwt ettai3ovt tov `tric makariov: patroc `3mwn patroc paterwn: pimenoc pimenwn: arxi`erewc arxi-`erewn `3mwn: pima `n`ecwov `n`al30inon: kata `fr35 `n5metov3b `mMelxicedek nem `A`arwn: pidi`adoxoc `mMarkoc pi`apoctoloc papa ke patriarxov t3c mejalo polewc `Ale7an`driac:
    nem n3`ete novc `mpolic pimenrit `nte P=x=c (peniwt =e=0v `mpatriarx3c)=j papa abba (…)
    I=3=c P=x=c pihi3b `n`ali90inoc ovoh piman`ecwov `n`aja0oc: e4`etag-ro4 higen ne4`0ronoc `nhan-m32 `nrompi nem hanc3ov `nhir3nikon.
    `Nte40ebi`o `nne4gagi t3rov capec3t `nne4salavg `nxwlem.
    Ovoh `nte45 na4 `novc3ov `ngam3 `nnotem.
    `Nte4si `nni5ho nem nitwbh...

    need the old ppoe shenuda font..

    Tovh hina inti Ifnoetie nai nan intef shin hiet garon intef sotim iron intef er voisien iron, intef khir pie rasmos niveen ivol haron, intef ka nen nahtie ifmien ivol.

    Gen nie tie ho nim nie ipros evshie inti pin jot it tajot toe itries makario, patros iemon patros pat iron, pie minos pie minon, arshie i-ree os arshie i-ree on iemon, pie ma in i-so oe in èlisienon,

    kata ifritie in tie met o-wieb im Milkiesidik nim A-aron, pie zeeja zo gos im Markos pie apostolos pa pa ke patriargo ties mieghalo po li-os Aliksan-id-reejes,

    nim nie i-tee noes im po lies pie minriet inti pie Igristos (penjot es-o-web im patriarshies)3 pa pa ava (…)

    Iesoes pie Igristos pie heej-ieb in èlisienos oewoh pie man iso-oe in aghasos, if i-takhrof hizjen nif isronos in han miesh in rompie nim han seejo in hirinie kon.

    Intif siveejo in nif khazj-ie tieroe sa pi siet in nif tsha lafkh in ko-lim.

    Oewoh intef tie naf in oe seejo in kha mie in no tim.
    Intef tshie in nie tie ho nim nie tovh…
  • [coptic]Twbh hina `nte V] nai nan@ `ntefsenhyt qaron@ `ntef-cwtem `eron@ `nteferbo`y;in `eron@ `ntefjer piracmoc niben `ebol haron@ `ntef,a nennah] efmyn `ebol.
    Qen ni]ho nem ni`proceu,y `nte peniwt ettaiyout tou `tric makariou@ patroc `ymwn patroc paterwn@ pimenoc pimenwn@ ar,i`erewc ar,i-`erewn `ymwn@ pima `n`ecwou `n`aly;inon@ kata `vry] `n]metouyb `mMel,icedek nem `A`arwn@ pidi`ado,oc `mMarkoc pi`apoctoloc papa ke patriar,ou tyc megalo polewc `Alexan`driac@
    nem ny`ete nouc `mpolic pimenrit `nte P=,=c (peniwt =e=;u `mpatriar,yc:=g papa abba (…:
    I=y=c P=,=c pihiyb `n`ali9;inoc ouoh piman`ecwou `n`aga;oc@ ef`etaj-rof hijen nef`;ronoc `nhan-mys `nrompi nem hancyou `nhirynikon.
    `Ntef;ebi`o `nnefjaji tyrou capecyt `nnef[alauj `n,wlem.
    Ouoh `ntef] naf `noucyou `njamy `nnotem.
    `Ntef[i `nni]ho nem nitwbh...[/coptic]

    george, u can use this site to convert the old fonts to the new ones:
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