we have had a debate about the fact info the coptic church we say praise God in all his saints (sabeho asllah fi gamee3 kidiseeh) while the actual psalm in the bible and agpyia says praise God in his sanctuary.
I have had some answers which I will post at a later date but wondering if anyone knew why we have changed it. In Arabic bible and palms "fi kodsihee not kidiseeh"
The reason is the Arabic translation of the Coptic psalm followed by the English translation of the Arabic one..
Oujai khan ebshois
You said "... and because it was used a lot, few manuscripts were scribed for it." do you mean "not used a lot"?
Oujai khan ebshois
sometimes church publishers use non orthodox translations because they are readily available and this causes confusion as the original poster experienced.
for more information, look at (or ideally buy) the orthodox study Bible. the paper version is beautiful and a great Christmas present to give (or request).
Oujai khan ebshois
I would go further to say that both can be simply thought of as “holy” in the noun sense. Praise God in the “Holies”. Well, in the Old Testament, what was holy was the sanctuary, the tabernacle, etc. In Christ, he made us, flesh and bones, His sanctuary, His tabernacle, His “holy of holies”. So theologically, it makes sense that we now praise God in His saints. In fact, to not remember the saints is to indirectly reject the incarnation.
So, praise God in His saints. ;)