Genesis 38

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
So I was reading the story of Joseph (it's been forever since i've read it) and Genesis 38 confuses me. Why is it there? It randomly cuts off the first part of the story of Joseph, then goes on a completely different tangent (talking about Judah and Tamar), then it is right back to his story......



  • Because Jesus' genealogy tracks back to Judah, not Joseph. That's pretty important, don't ya think?

    I posted a question a while ago on why Jesus would come from Judah, a sinner, and not Joseph and Fr. Peter answered and said no one is worthy and it shows how he made the weak strong.
  • yeah I understand, but i still don't get why it was placed in that particular spot.... It's like reading a Bio Text book, then one chapter was on Harry Potter.... It just seemed out of place
  • I asked that too and didn't really get a straight forward answer except that it's an important chapter in the story of Joseph.
  • hmmm... ok i think this would make more sense if I had a better understanding of who Tamar and Judah are lol
  • hmmm makes sense... but the placement of this story is still really confusing.... where is Abouna Peter when we need him!
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