The Divine Incarnation

edited January 2009 in Random Issues
The Divine Incarnation 1

In the NAME of the FATHER,
Dear fathers, sister and brothers in the LORD
The Blessing we gained though the Incarnation of The LOGOS.
When man disobeyed God and sinned, man really died from a spiritual standpoint, and lost connection to the source of his life (God). To get man to live again, his connection to God had to be restored We can explain this by an example of an electric bulb which if disconnected from an electric circuit, the bulb’s light would immediately go out. To get the bulb to light again, we have to connect it back to the same electric current. Incarnation, in the simplest terms, means that God became man in order to unit Himself with our nature and to give our nature life, glory and honor. Blessed our nature in HIM. Incarnation distinguishes Christianity from all other religions. Any practice, not based on the concept of   the DIVINE Incarnation, can not be regarded as a Christian virtue.
God created man in his image. Man was created to live for ever & to live in holiness and righteousness – but this has to come as a free choice Sin has distorted the Image of God in man. .Through the Incarnation, this image was restored. God, out of His incredible love, agreed to become man to restore the lost connection. St John Chrysostom says ”This is why HE Took my flesh to Sanctify me & Gave me HIS Spirit to Save me. ”Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: who, existing in the form of God, did not count the being equal with God a prize, but Emptied Himself, Taking the form of a bond-servant, Coming in the likeness of men.”( Philipii, Phil: 2:5-7) “ But as many as received Him, to them He Gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His Name: who were born...... from God.” ( Youhanna, Jn: 1:12-13) “Sanctify them in the Truth: Your Word is Truth. As You Did Send ME into the world, even so I Sent them into the world. And I Sanctify MYSELF on behalf of them, that they themselves may also be sanctified in Trut....... that they may all be one; like YOU, FATHER, Are in ME and I in YOU , that they may also be in US: that the world may believe that YOU Did send ME. And the Glory which YOU Have Given ME I Have Given to them; that they may be one, JUST As WE Are ONE( Youhanna, Jn:17:17-23) .When Christ was incarnate, His Life was poured into our human nature. That is why we refer to communion as the “life-giving body”.Then JESUS said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink HIS Blood, you have no life in you. He who eats MY Flesh and drinks MY Blood has eternal life and I Will raise him up in the last day( Youhanna, Jn6:53-58).Quoted-Servant of the LORD. May the LORD Support us to desreve the Blessings we gained through the DIVINE INCARNATION AMEN.


    Dear fathers, sisters and brothers in CHRIST
    HE, Who is from the beginning of days, became a small child. HE, Who sits on the highest throne, is lying down in a manger. The untouchable, the one without flesh, can now be touched by human hands. The ONE, Who untied the bonds of sin, is wrapped in swaddling cloth because HE wished so. HE intended to turn modesty into a great honor. HE wanted to cover our shame with HIS glory and to show that the extent of humility is also the extent of power. This is why HE Took my flesh to Sanctify me and Gave me HIS Spirit to Save me." St John Chrysostom
    The Limitless Love of the LORD Is Manifested in Assuming human nature without any confusion. It Is in Becoming One of us without Ever Ceasing to BE HIMSELF that Limitless Love Supremely Shatters all limits (Fr Lev Gillet in : In THY Presence).
    "GOD IS LOVE"( 1Youhanna, 1Jn: 4: 8&16).
    O LORD Support us to follow YOUR Commandents " Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all mind; and; Love your neighbor as yourself" (Luka, Lk: 10: 25-37- The parable of the good samaritan). " And this is HIS Command: to believe in the NAME of HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, and to love one another" (1Youhanna, 1Jn:9:23)."Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law"(Romia,Ro:13:10) .
    Dear Sisters and Brothers in CHRIST
    The DIVINE INCARNATION 3 : Joys of Christmas. Preparing for the New Year.
    "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
    One winter dark night, the city of Bethlehem was very crowded with travelers coming from every city and village in the country as the Roman emperor Augustus wanted to enroll all citizens (census). So all went to be enrolled each to their own city. Joseph and Mary came from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be enrolled. When they arrived to the city St. Mary was very tired from the long trip. They kept looking for an inn to stay at but they were all full. An innkeeper saw how tired St. Mary was so he wanted to help them. He offered them a manger where they can stay. It wasn’t a nice place but they couldn’t find any other places. The manger was full of animals for ex. cows, sheep, donkey, etc… In this manger baby Jesus was born. His mother wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger.In that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. At midnight something strange happened. An angel of the Lord stood before them. They were greatly afraid. The angel told them "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you. You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" The shepherds left their sheep and went to the manger right away to see Baby Jesus. When they saw Mary & Joseph they told them about the angel and he said. They knelt down before Jesus and gloried God.. Some wise men came from the east to visit Jesus. They saw a star of a king and they followed the star till it took them to the manger where Jesus was born. On their way Herod the king met them and wanted to know where is this King. They told him when we find out we’ll tell you. They continued following the star till it led them to the manger. They entered and saw Baby Jesus and St. Mary. They worshiped Him and opened their treasures and presented gifts to Him: gold (because He is a King), frankincense (because He is a priest), and myrrh (a sign of His suffering on the cross). When they returned an angel appeared to them & told them don’t go to Herod or tell him where Jesus was.
    Do you know who is Santa Claus (Baba Noel) and why do we give gifts on Christmas?
    The story of Santa is based on the story St. Nicolas. He was the bishop of Morah and he loved Jesus a lot. He loved to help the poor. One day a wealthy family lost all their money & was very poor. They had three daughters. The oldest one was getting married and the father was very worried and didn’t know what to do. One night St. Nicolas went to their house & threw a sack full of money from the window. The father wake up and found the money and was very happy. The first daughter got married. Then when it was time for the next daughter to get married St. Nicolas did the same thing without anybody noticing him. The father was very happy again but wanted to know who was doing that. When it was the time for the third daughter to get married, St. Nicolas did the same thing but the father saw him this time.
    What kind of gift can you give Jesus this Christmas & this New Year? What thing you’ll focus on this year to make Jesus happy and let Him come to your heart. ?
    Please refer to : ( Matta,Mt: 1:18 to 2:18) (Luka,Lk: 2:8-14)-
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