Hi, I am looking to download the song: Kenesti Kenesti Kenesti in arabic and cannot find it anyone, here are the lyrics but i dont have it as a music file, can anyone post a link of where to download it or email the song to me xandroux@gmail.com , thanks!
Kenesti kenesti kenesti
Chorus: Kenesti kenesti kenesti
heya beytee, heya omee, heya ser farah hayatee
1. Lama kont soghayar leya arba3een yom bel tahdeed
khadnee ahlee be farha baheya 3al kenisa lel ta3meed
Shalnee abouna min regleya we ghatesnee fee gorn ghaweet
kanet heya el-ma3modeya we heya leya meelad gedeed
2. Etrabeet min soghree feeha gowa madares il ahad
tefrah beya we afrah beeha asl emanee feeha zad
Abnee mabadee min ta3alemha we atawe3 kol irshad
Ya ilahee hafez 3aleeha we tedoom 3ala mar il awaat
3-A3zam ma feeha 3ala ilmazbah we ilsama hadra ahla hedoor
taghamat ilmalayka tesabeh, bahga we farha we rahba we noor
We ehna nakol gasadoo we nefrah, we damoo yemhee ilsheroor
Da lee beyet nawel ha yerbah el malakowt tool el dehoor
It is my pleasure telling you where you can find it!
I was just saying in a reply how much I love tarenma kenesti kenesti
choose #8
yeah that is a rely good song. a hyper one too.
i never heard someone descibing a hymn 'hyper' loool u r soo funny