What can't you live without, or in other words what can you not leave it behind, it doesn't have to be something you can not leave behind, but the most charished possession for you, and another question is, what would you bring with you if your stranded on an empty island, that there's only water, and 1 palm tree, and sand, please reduce your prize possessions (the things you can't live without and what you would if you were stranded on an empty island) or who would you bring with you... to the limit of 3 things, I would have to say,
1)My family, parrot and friends
2)My Bible
3)A Church
Coptic Servent
Coptic Servent
2. agbeya
3. icons!
live the life fo solitude!
Coptic Servent
Coptic Servent
1) family
2) music (specifically alhan, liturgy, and classical)
3)silence 8) (quiet time for reflection, relaxation, etc.)
dah ana momken atganen if i didn't have about 5-10 hrs of complete silence during the week... :o yemken 7ata yakhdoony el 3abasyah* lol hehehe ;D ;D
bas eh dah, ya c.s? :) ur so creative in ur questions, ya binty???? it actually makes me think! ::) hehe!
okay, anyway... yalla ya people.... ana 3ayzah ashof el thread dah atwal min el red carpet ely fee hollywood!! ;D
*p.s. el 3abasyah is a little town in egypt where the insane asylum is located. it's like a joke in egypt if u tell someone "entah 3abasyah khales"... which means that "ur really crazy!" :o ;D
k, i can't live without feeling christ's love {I JUST CAN'T IMAGINE IT} it'd be horrible if He didn't love me wow i wouldn't be able to live!!!!!!
and all the other love from parents, brothers,sisters,friends (real 1s),abouna,and SCHOOOL TEACHERS if i have to say cos if they love ya u r less likely to get into trouble lol
well, abouna told me this little precious prayer before, which i'd like to share with u
and i can't translate it to english lol:
"ya rab a3teny ne3ma fe 3ayneek, wa3ty el nas ne3ma fe 3enaya wa3teny ne3ma fe 3any el nas"
wat do u think about it? it's a bit complicated but read it again and u'll realize it i think!
god bless
Coptic Servent
What can't you live without, or in other words what can you not leave it behind, it doesn't have to be something you can not leave behind, but the most charished possession for you, and another question is, what would you bring with you if your stranded on an empty island, that there's only water, and 1 palm tree, and sand, please reduce your prize possessions (the things you can't live without and what you would if you were stranded on an empty island) or who would you bring with you... to the limit of 3 things, I would have to say,
1)My family, parrot and friends
2)My Bible
3)A Church
Coptic Servent
why not CHRIST (in your heart), because if you have Him, you have everything. :) :) :)
Coptic Servent
Also, to a stranded island this is what I would take:
1. my friends and family
2. food
3. a pet
4. a lot of books
5. church and books inside of it to pray with
and some clothes
love lots,
The thing I most cannot live without is God and church I guess.
Also, to a stranded island this is what I would take:
1. my friends and family
2. food
3. a pet
4. a lot of books
5. church and books inside of it to pray with
and some clothes
love lots,
CopticChica21, you can only take 3 things with you!
Coptic Servent
2. this old picture of my friends
3. hymnes and songs
Coptic Servent
Yeah, mein either, especially since the Bible is like the thing that guides us through life.
love lots,
Yeah, mein either, especially since the Bible is like the thing that guides us through life.
love lots,
Yes, I agree, and I would also bring my Agepya! I have to pray, unless I have it memorize, which I have the Thanksgiving prayer memorized, and Psalm 150, and I'm pretty sure, I memorized the gospel for First hour (Prime)
Coptic Servent
Coptic Servent
but i defenitilygonna take my song book i cant live without singing !!!!