Coptic vs. Presbyterian Church

hi, this my first time here and i regestered for a particular "?" what is the difference between the out coptic church and pres church (al-ingleya)???
my dad is a big deacon in my church and i like going there but as i grow up my mind also grows and wants to know why did my dad choose to be coptic??? he was pres befor!!! ;) when he was 20 he changed to coptic even though his dad was strict about going to church only the pres one!!! any way i really need an answer for this question
what is the difference between the out coptic church and pres church (al-ingleya)???


  • i mean presbyterian

  • Hello egyptiankrkr, welcome to, I really don't know, but they may have similarilities as well!

    Coptic Servent
  • Welcome egyptiankrkr, It is good to have you with us, hope to hear from you all time.
    You asked a very important question, Presbyterian Church is one of the many division of Protestant in generals. So your question would be much easier to answer if it would be : What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Protestant?
    The answer can be put in pages, I will try to find the thread that dealt with this subject before. I am glad that your father had left this heterodoxy when he was 20 year old, he must have been courageous and very well informed about the correct believe of the Coptic Church. It is good to for you to ask, but keep firm in your faith and attachment to the Coptic Church.
  • thanks alot safaa because i have an egyptian prostaent church in my arean and they keep puting pressure on me. which of course my father hates it when someone does that to me.

    anyways thanks alot i never knew these things
  • I know about the pressure you are taking about, keep strong in faith and God will help you , your father is correct, he knows it first hand. Our Lord who had protected your father and returned him safe to the bosom of the beloved Coptic Church, will grant you blessing and protection beyond you can ask or imagine. Just ignore those people and do not talk to them at all.
    May God bless you
  • i know that's wht ever1 tells me it just hard to stop speaking to them espcially when some of them are my very close friend but they had no pressure on me it is just that other people keep saying like u should come with ur friends you know what i mean

    i guess?
  • Protestants are generally concerned with "numbers", and are thus usually quite pushy people in the area of evangelism. Many of their missionaries impose their beliefs upon others by quite forceful means (I am not referring here to physical force, but rather emotional or social). You just have to be strong and make it blunt and clear where you stand - you are a faithful member of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Church founded by St Mark the Apostle, retaining and preserving the Apostolic Orthodox Faith since it was handed down to us from the first century.

    The Orthodox Church is the only True Church; you cannot live the life of Grace anywhere else, for such a life of Grace is only possible by means of the Holy Sacraments which are channels of this Grace, and such Sacraments are only effective at the hands of true Apostolically established ministers of Christ, the Orthodox priests.
  • i have another question how did it start?why? and it started after us why have it took them a long time to figure out their beliefs (i don't know what to call it)
  • [quote author=Iqbal link=board=12;threadid=3157;start=0#msg47279 date=1139227669]
    Protestants are generally concerned with "numbers", and are thus usually quite pushy people in the area of evangelism. Many of their missionaries impose their beliefs upon others by quite forceful means (I am not referring here to physical force, but rather emotional or social).

    Although I am Catholic......AMEN!!!
  • [quote author=egyptiankrkr link=board=12;threadid=3157;start=0#msg47302 date=1139261894]
    i have another question how did it start?why? and it started after us why have it took them a long time to figure out their beliefs (i don't know what to call it)

    Prysbeterianism is a form of Calvinism, and broke from the Catholic Church during the protestant Reformation. Prysbeteriansm was established in Scotland in 1560 By a student of Calvin Named Knox. Basically if one wants to understand prysbeteriansm one must look into Calvinism. I have been to a prysbeterian Service once. It would seem foriegn to an Catholic or Orthodox Christian. the eucharist is not central to these people, they believe not in the Real prescence. They also have women priests, and many prysbeterian church are quite liberal. THe Word Pyrsbeterian comes from the greek word for Priest. It refers to how the prysbetierian churches govern themselves. They have the laity and then "elders". Also they subscribe to Calvins doctrine of only the elect bieng saved.

    God Bless,

  • Presbyteriansm is also similar to the Congrelationalists
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