Suicide Confidentiality?

edited December 2008 in Faith Issues


  • did he know what he was going to promise about before he promised it?
  • Although I am still learning to live as a Christian should, I try to use love as my guide when it comes to issues like this.

    What would be the most loving thing to do - keep the promise and have the person go on to suicide or to tell someone who might be able to help?

    Of course, you can also try not promising things without knowing what you're agreeing to. I often say "I'll try to" when asked if I'll promise something. It doesn't mean I don't feel bound, but it does allow me some room if the promise involves something I can't in good conscience do.
  • I personally would tell a priest about that person and break the promise. This is a person's life were talking about here, since we are called to love one another, we should save the life.

    You can confess for breaking a promise and achieve eternal life. But suicide you cannot confess, you go to Hades for it.

    Judas Iscariot committed suicide after he betrayed the Lord. St. Peter repented. Peter achieved eternal life wheras Judas spends his life in Hades.

    Suicide is unforgiveable because dead people cant confess or repent or be forgiven of the sins of the world.
  • I've always thought that A and S were struck down because they'd renegged on a promise before God and lied about it.

    Jesus told us to love one another as we love ourselves - I'd prefer someone to break a promise to me to try and help me rather than keep the promise and let me break God's law (Thou shalt not kill, in my view, applies to suicide as much as to homocide).

    I was also under the impression that suicide was wrong because it steals from God and is giving in to despair.

    I don't see that seeking help in a situation like this impinges on God's plan - surely God does not want people to kill themselves. I would think (and Lord knows I'm not infallible so your mileage may vary) that it might be a case of asking us to sacrifice something important to ourselves (our good reutation as people who keep our word) to save something greater (the life of another of God's children).

    There's really no dilemma for me here. I would break the promise and bear the consequences - I would also tell the person that I couldn't keep the promise and urge them to seek help. Although as I rarely make a blank promise it's not all that likely to come up.
  • MOST DEFINATELY you hav to tell sum1 get over the lie wood u like to kik sum1 out of heven? wen u go to heaven God will say hu did ya bring wit u not who did u kik out lol
    think of it as i sed on another thread if they sed keep it and u did then they kill emself ur gonna stay wit the guilt ur whole lyf bcoz it was 1nce in ur hands but u din do nefin
    do the wise thing call 911 not abouna u call them first then contact ur abouna by the tym u ring abouna etc theyd b ded ring the 911 first coz they r pros and get abouna as well ur not going to hell if u ring 911 first seriously people come on ... wat if its ur own frends life? wat will u do? think about it... be realistic ppl use guys r wird no affence

    Rabena ma3akom
  • ok would u rather break a promise or watch a friend die? i definitely would rather break a promise, im willing to die for my friends. if you DONT tell a priest about this, you IN FRONT OF GOD are RESPONSIBLE for that person. you KNEW that person wanted to kill themselves and u WATCHED THEM. why? because you didnt want to break a promise. God knows ur circumstances, he knows what you have to do. he understands. he is God, the all knowing, and he understands the position you were put in.
  • I’m not clear about the motivation – is the concern about the person or about yourself? Sometimes we can get so caught up in trying to follow the rules that we forget the most important commandments: Love God and Love one another.
    To my mind Jesus set the example here when He healed on the Sabbath even though, as the Pharisees pointed out, He was breaking the commandment.

    Have you considered the possibility that in telling you, the person is looking for help? Maybe God is using you to reach this person.*

    *I understand that 'you' are not the person in this situation, but for simplicity's sake....
  • hay marmar
    i personally say first get the person to tell u y they r doing this... even if they r not religious talk bout God mayb its the tym for them in their lyf for their eyes to b opened who knows... tell em that they still hav frends and ppl still do lub them and that God gav us a precious gift which is called lyf and whoever dusnt use it properly will not live everlasting lyf
    but i gess u cant come for the asnwers over here i gess b4 u confront the person pray that God will open their eyes and im very sure marmar that it wont b u speaking to them but God speaking through u so Rabena ma3aki and never doubt that God will leave u... after all God makes up excuses just so we can b wit Him wish u the best and i wish them peace from Our SAvior

    pray 4 me plz
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